Got a great email from a reader the other day and thought you’d want to chime in :) As someone who has just made a…
Browsing Category Life
We’re About to Be DIKS! (Hubba Hubba)
10 years ago we used to be DINKS (Dual Income No Kids). Then my wife decided to grab a couple extra degrees (a Masters, leading…
The 7 Most Mind-Blowing Ways to Save Money E-V-E-R
I don’t know about you, but I’ve come across a ton of great tips around the internet lately and I just had to tell you…
How We Went From a House to a Travel Trailer
[Hey guys! Got a cool story for ya today by my man Vita Valka – a 35 year old freelance web designer from the Czech…
Today I am thankful for ________.
In honor of Memorial Day coming up, I thought we’d reflect on a few things we’re grateful for. And getting the day off can count…
Good Reasons to Quit Something vs Bad Reasons to Quit Something (And Why I’m Retiring from Podcasting)
Oh man, this is a hard one for me to write today… I don’t know exactly how to do it, so let me just come…
Unpolished Gems – Part II
What up, what up! Another day, another hour spent clearing out my email drafts again ;) I think I’m up to three now, but fortunately…
Unpolished Gems – Part I
At this exact moment, I have 602 drafts sitting in my inbox: I’m actually a pretty organized Gmail’er* if you can believe it (look at…
There Are No Rules
I got a text from a friend yesterday: I love this interaction because not only did it make me feel even better about not owning…
The Rockstar vs The Accountant
Sometimes you need to embrace your bad side; sometimes you need a pocket protector. [Got a great article for ya’ll today by Andrew Daniels of! Show…