Here is a list of some of the fun podcasts I’ve been on over the years, as well as the episodes of my own stint…
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Investing With Family … the Good, the Bad, the Meh
Are any of you guys investing with family members or co-owning any assets with siblings? Like partnering on rental properties, businesses, and joint estates or…
Financial Sayings I Wish Were True!
Here are a bunch of financial phrases I wish were true, along with some that I’m glad are not. If you ever wondered what I…
The Beauty of Simplicity
Morning, friends!! I’m packing up for our yearly financial blogging conference this morning (FinCon – will you be there??), and every time I reach for…
40 Money Lessons Learned After 40 Years on This Earth
[Hey guys! Hope you’re having a great Thanksgiving holiday so far! For those not out and about shopping on this non-Holiday Black Friday right now,…
The Magical Credit Card
So a blogger just emailed me this totally random question, but now I can’t stop thinking about it and curious to see how you guys…
6 Great $$$ Ideas To Steal
One of the best things about blogging is starting conversations, and then watching all your smarty pants friends chime in with clever ideas of their…
What’s Harder: Saving Money or Paying off Debt?
I asked some friends the other day what was harder – paying off debt or saving – and here were the results after 144 people…
Sometimes a Job is Just a Job
As I was digging through some old emails this morning, I came across a note I had saved back in May of 2011 that someone…
Net Worth Update: $440,023.40 (+$2,461.33)
What’s poppin’ y’all! Welcome to a fresh new month to make that fresh green dough! And what a better way to start it out than…