When it comes to cash, I’m an equal opportunity owner. I have $10 bills, $5 bills, $20 bills, and of course many many $1.00 bills….
Browsing Category Shopping
If You Can Afford to Spend It, You Can Afford to Save It.
What’s up party people! It’s Monday – get excited!!! What’s that? Mondays are lame? Okay, let’s try it again – It’s Monday, y’all!! Check out this…
Oh, The Judging!
My wife: “Honey – I got hit on today!!” Me: “Umm…. congrats?” Wife: “That never happens anymore! He was upset that I rented, but he…
How to Lose a Million Dollars
[Today’s post is by a new blogger on the scene, AbandonedCubicle.com, who’s currently planning an early retirement by his mid-forties. He doesn’t have everything neatly…
Money Traps to Watch Out For This Weekend
Haaaaaaappy Friday! In honor of me being at FinCon right now and pretty much doing the opposite of saving my money (which is ironic, considering…
The Financial Empowerment Game™
Wanna know one of the best ways to feel better about your money? Walk into a store and see if you can buy anything in…
Ibotta Savings & The Best Days to Buy Stuff!
Have any of you tried the Ibotta savings app before? Does it save you a lot of money? I’ve heard about it approximately 37 times…
What’s Your “Turn Back” Time?
[Welcome to another glorious day of life! We’re still at the beach here (thus why it’s so glorious ;)), but before we left my wife…
Returning Used Stuff – Cool or No?
When I was a senior in college I needed a new boombox something bad. My old one had broke, and if I was going to…
The Other Letter
Merry Christmas, y’all! I wasn’t going to post up anything today, but man… this video. Freakin’ tearing up over here! If you’re a parent yourself…