Well that’s a mouth full, eh? Fun Fund in itself is a hard one, but funding my fun fund, well that’s just crazy talk! but…
Browsing Category Saving Money
A bunch of articles on saving money :) And also the original title of this blog, before I realized it was taken, haha… keep hoarding those dollars!
WOOT! There it is.
Have you ever checked out woot.com? It’s seriously one of my favorite bargain sites E-V-E-R (and i’m not getting paid to say that, it’s for…
It’s Friday and my stomach is full :)
I’ve been getting slammed here at work the past cple hours, so figured what better break than giving my friends a shout out?! By the…
Are my challenges challenging enough?
I thought today would be a good day to check in w/ all the challenges i’m working on, and note my progress (or lack of)….
Coinstar is My Guiding Light.
Every now and then I get to fulfill a deepest desire, and last Sunday was one of them! The moment only lasted 4-5 minutes, but…
Pray tell, is this possible?
I’ve been scouring all sorts of personal finance blogs lately as i’m fairly new to the game here, and i just came across a lunch…
Happy day after Valentine’s day
With our wedding coming up in May, my fiancée and I decided to go a different route this year when it came to purchasing gifts….
A dollar a day baby!
I’m sure it’s been done a bazillion times, but what a SUPER easy way to save. I actually found it on a fellow PF blog…