I don’t know what’s going to happen after I publish this (you really aren’t supposed to say what I’m about to say out loud!) but…
Browsing Category Life
The Little Trampoline Inside All of Us
You know what’s funny? Our political candidates. You know what’s funny in a GOOD way? Bill Murray :) (20 mins before show time at The…
Oh, The Judging!
My wife: “Honey – I got hit on today!!” Me: “Umm…. congrats?” Wife: “That never happens anymore! He was upset that I rented, but he…
19 Ways to Be Better Today Than Yesterday
Okay, so today was supposed to be a post about hustling and earning more money, and then it changed when I offered up my seats…
Some Tricks That Help Me Be Better at Life
In college I used to do this thing where I’d treat myself to a new t-shirt anytime I’d take a test. It didn’t matter if…
The First $100,000 Is The Hardest
You know what’s hard? Making your first million dollars. [Dayuuuuuum!!!] For us normal people, though, I say making your first $100,000 is the ultimate achievement….
Why Women Should Always Have Their Own Stash
[Happy Friday y’all! Got a guest article today from my girl Pauline of ReachFinancialIndependence.com and InvestmentZen.com who’s super passionate about ALL women having their own…
Dear Wife, Here’s How to Spend My Life Insurance Money When I’m Gone!
You know what’s awesome? Dreaming about all the things you’d do if you won the lottery :) You know what’s kinda-sorta-but-not-really ALSO awesome? Dreaming up…
8 Years Since the Market Crashed… How’s Your Money / Life Now?
Came across this clipping during this current week’s decluttering… Check out the date! That’s right, this occurred exactly 8 years ago, today! Crazy, right?? Do…
Some Updates on Money, Life, Cable (We Got an Antenna!), Decluttering and Reader Submitted Questions
Yo yo yo! Been awhile since I updated y’all on a few things, so thought I’d take the chance to do so today before I…