Guys!! I found the third app to complete the Financial Trifecta!!! We already have a killer one for helping us *save* our money (Digit), and…
Browsing Category Saving Money
A bunch of articles on saving money :) And also the original title of this blog, before I realized it was taken, haha… keep hoarding those dollars!
Some Tricks That Help Me Be Better at Life
In college I used to do this thing where I’d treat myself to a new t-shirt anytime I’d take a test. It didn’t matter if…
The First $100,000 Is The Hardest
You know what’s hard? Making your first million dollars. [Dayuuuuuum!!!] For us normal people, though, I say making your first $100,000 is the ultimate achievement….
What I’d Like to Teach My (Dumb-Ass) Tenants about Money
[Got a feisty article for y’all today while I recuperate from the festivities that is FinCon (our financial blogging conference – where, contrary to belief,…
What Kind of Saver Are You?
It’s quiz time! What type of saver are you? The Magician, The Salt + Pepper, The Rock Star, or The Goalie? Find out below, courtesy…
Some Updates on Money, Life, Cable (We Got an Antenna!), Decluttering and Reader Submitted Questions
Yo yo yo! Been awhile since I updated y’all on a few things, so thought I’d take the chance to do so today before I…
Remember That Each Dollar Serves a Purpose!
Do you know what one of the most popular questions I get asked is? How I got to be so sexy How to make the…
How Do You Get Comfortable Investing Your Savings?
Are you really good at saving, but not so much investing? If so, you’re not alone :) Meet Dave – our new friend who asked…
11 Awesome Money Ideas
‘Sup money lovers? My “awesome ideas” folder is piling up over here, so I thought I’d release some of them on you today to help…
What’s Harder: Saving Money or Paying off Debt?
I asked some friends the other day what was harder – paying off debt or saving – and here were the results after 144 people…