Here’s a handful of financial observations I’ve had lately :) #1. I lie to myself whenever I say I’m going to sign up to the…
Browsing Category Life
How I Survived Prison And Accidentally Found My Path to Wealth
[Hey guys!! I have SUCH a great post for you today, and one that I am beyond honored to be able to feature as our…
I’d Scoop up Poop if it Made Me Happy
That’s a comment I just left on a friend’s blog post – “I’d scoop up poop if it made me happy.” It was in response…
What My Ridiculous Parents Taught Me About Money
[Please welcome one half of the duo from today, as Jack spills his heart here on all things financial he learned from growing up…
What Would You Do With An Extra $1,000?
I came across this gem while decluttering some old “memory” boxes the other day… (the hardest to declutter btw – good lord!): In case you…
My Life (And Finances) After Escaping a Cult
[Hey guys! Please welcome Ava to the blog today – a newer blogger on the scene with an INCREDIBLE backstory. She blogs over at Millennial…
What Being Homeless Taught Me About Money and Happiness
[Got another great guest post for y’all today. This one comes from Lyn Alden, a newer blogger on the scene who puts out some great in-depth…
Three Things I’ll Spend Money On (and Three I Won’t)
[As part of our new weekly column by Mr. 1500 of] ****** See that sign up there? I noticed it on a hike in…
“You do not have to worship money to want to have control over it.”
This probably comes off strange right after our post on hiring escorts Friday, but what can I say – we’re an equal opportunity blog here…
Adults Can Do Whatever They Want
Here’s a convo my 5 y/o son and I had the other day: 5 y/o: “What are you eating over there???” Me: “A chocolate bar…