Hey guys! Remember the other month when I talked about those free money coaching sessions at Capital One Cafe’s? And how I wished we had…
Browsing Category Life
Who Do You Think Spends More – iPhone Users or Android Users? ;)
You can probably guess the answer, but here are some fun “facts” you might enjoy from the New York Post and coupon site, SlickDeals ;)…
How Would You Blow $50,000 If You Had To?
Remember that movie Brewster’s Millions where the main character has to spend $30 million dollars in thirty days? And if he doesn’t he loses out…
7 Habits That Have a High Rate of Return in Life
Saw this on Twitter the other day and had to share it around: [This was first posted 4 months ago and STILL getting shares!] So…
Is it unethical to enter giveaways if you already have more than enough?
Here’s a juicy topic today –> The ethics of entering giveaways! Which we’re constantly featuring here on this blog, as well as hundreds of others!…
An Alternative to The Benjamin Franklin Schedule: The “Task Immersion” Schedule!
Alright, for those who never liked the Benjamin Franklin “scheme” we’ve posted about over the years (wake up at 5 am, reflect, hustle, repeat), here’s…
“Living off 50% of our income saved me in an unexpected way”
Guys, check out this note I just received from a long-time reader of the blog… So powerful!!! So sad!! So inspiring!! Life Update: I was…
Resource of The Month: “Playing with FIRE” Documentary
Hi guys! This month’s feature is going to be different than the last one because you can’t go out and consume it *just yet*, but…
Why I Skipped My Own Wedding to Save Money
[Hey guys! Please welcome back to the site today, Lyn Alden, who shares her take on wedding costs and why she decided to only spend…
Never Have I Ever… Played This Game With Finances!
Remember that drinking game where every time you can’t answer “true” to the questions you have to take a shot? And every time you look…