For anyone who missed it, on Friday I decided to embark on a $100 Scratch Off Lottery Project. At first it was purely for entertainment,…
Browsing Category Charity
The $100 Scratch Off Lottery Project.
Welcome to this weekend’s $100 Lottery Project! I’m feeling feisty as ever right now, and thought I’d spice things up a bit by doing something…
New Charity Project Coming Soon!
Hello, hello my good friends! It’s Friday and it’s gonna be a helluva good day :) Some of you might have forgotten, but a few…
"Goodness Is The Only Investment That Never Fails."
Spoken by the brilliant Henry David Thoreau. That quote sums up exactly what’s on my brain today – charity. The last time I wrote about…
Our church is $125k in debt…and guess what?
They’re asking us to help out. Apparently they’ve already gotten $30k from last week’s requests, and they need another $100k within the next couple of…
Today’s the last day to grab those Charity tax write-offs!
Time to make some deposits at your local thrift store! So put on those energy pants and start rummaging through the house. The more you…
All I want for Xmas is for you to write this little girl :(
This is the cutest/sadest thing i’ve read all month! My girl over at J.D. Maybe? linked to it and i couldn’t help pass it along…
3 Tax Tips you can still do before ’08 ends! (they’re very sexy)
I got an email the other day from a Turbo Tax person (this is *not* a sponsored/paid article btw), and it had some pretty good…
October’s $25 Donation goes to help Ugly Shoe Pam!
This is the third time i’ve found myself donating to other blogger’s causes – And it feels freakin’ awesome! It feels like the money goes…
It’s Friday, and I’m feeling random. So let’s talk sillyness.
It’s one of “those” days around here. I’m groggy as hell, hyped up on Bux coffee, eating a banana (of course), and just all kinds…