[Happy Friday! Please enjoy this guest article today from fellow reader, and blogger, BC from FrugalWheels.com. I only hope my own sons will give me…
Posts Published by J. Money
New Book & Giveaway: “Mom and Dad, We Need to Talk”
Morning! Hope you really like books, because I got another one to share with you again today! ;) As well as next week too! (My…
Two good book tips…
Morning! So my plan was to write out a thoughtful article around frugality for you today, but after an off chance conversation with a stranger…
My Original Millionaire “To-Do” List!
Found this list skimming through some old journals last night and couldn’t help but smile :) First – because it’s just so dang nerdy!! But…
Do you pay attention to how much you *pay* for an investment?
I know this sounds like a dumb question, and I’m not sure if my thoughts on it are any less dumb, haha, but after seeing…
“Do I like who I am while I’m doing this?”
My friend David wrote this epic article on self-esteem 4 years ago, and though I only stumbled across it last month, I haven’t been able…
5 random things I’ve learned recently
This is going to be a hodgepodge of thoughts, but couldn’t help share them with you today ;) 5 interesting things I’ve learned recently!! #1….
The “Setback” Fund
Caught an interesting idea from a reader of the blog yesterday: Setting up a “setback” fund to help cover all the stupid mistakes you make!…
All the interesting stuff people put in their safes ;) Plus: the winner of last week’s giveaway!
Morning, guys!! What a giveaway last week! Sooooo much fun going through all y’all’s entries and getting a sneak peek into your lives!! Felt like…
The Gateway Drug to Extreme Savings
If there’s one thing us $$$ bloggers love more than money, it’s the chase of the money. And during this chase we like to get…