My *Favorite* Blog Posts From 2018!

Alright, so last week we covered the MOST POPULAR blog posts from the year, and this time around I want to cover my *favorite* blog posts from the year.

Basically the ones that had the biggest impact for me, along with some I just genuinely enjoyed writing :)

Here they are below, in no particular order…

(And this will be the last of the “best of” lists for 2018, btw… So if you’re tired of seeing these, you now have a full 12 months to go until they make another return ;) And if you’re tired of seeing my emails hit your inbox daily, remember that we now have a *weekly* option too!)


peace sign washington

35 Mini-Missions To Improve Your Life and Money! ✨ — If you liked our $50 challenge last week, you’re going to love these similar challenges! Throw ’em all in your calendar to pop up daily, or go old school and print out the list to cross out one by one… Feels so good! ;)

What I Learned Tracking My “Wants” For 30 Days — In a nutshell: I spent a lot of money on coffee and bagels, hahaโ€ฆ But also on books and history stuff! Listed here is everything I spent over the month, as well as the top 5 lessons learned. (Like how I thought I have way more “no spend” days than is true!)

Why Iโ€™m Obsessed With Cemeteries — Why? Because theyโ€™re peaceful, rich in HISTORY, slows down time, and they make you realize just how insignificant you (and your problems) are. They also remind me that as much as money matters, it shouldn’t be the end all be all :)

the buyerarchy of needs

The Buyerarchy of Needs — This one comes from the beautiful mind of Sarah Lazarovic, and also includes a high-res download of the above “Buyerarchy” in case you wanna put it on your fridge or something as a reminder… It’s so pretty!

“If you can afford the product, you can afford the stock” — I saw Mabel over at say this and couldn’t help but share it ;) It’s so true right??? She also does a presentation around it for $$$ conferences, and you can find a copy of it at the end of the article.

Is Net Worth Tracking The New Budgeting? — I caught myself saying this on a podcast this year, and then wondered if it was true ;) You can find all my points and counterpoints in the article, but it’s safe to say I won’t be changing this site to anytime soon, haha… (although it is!)

whelp face

My Resume of Failuresย  — Remember that “CV of Failures” that went viral the other year? Where Princeton professor Johannes Haushofer shared all his scholastic fails to “better balance the record and provide some perspective” around his successes? Iโ€™ve always loved how incredibly raw and beautiful that was, so I decided to make my own CV as well and post it. (Only I call it a “resume” as I never have fully understood what a CV actually is?!)

The Less You Spend, The Less You Need to Earn. — Inspired by one of the most impactful messages I ever read in my financial journey by Mr. Money Mustache – “The most important thing to note is that cutting your spending rate is much more powerful than increasing your income. The reason is that every permanent drop in your spending has a double effect: it increases the amount of money you have left over to save each month, and it permanently decreases the amount youโ€™ll need every month for the rest of your life.” AMAZING!

A Different Type of Identity Theft — This was one of my favorite guest posts we featured this year, by, and it had me thinking for weeks. Really makes you challenge how we perceive ourselves and the overall purpose in our lives – particularly around what “we do” for a living!

shame game of thrones gif

Stop The #HouseShaming, People!ย — This was one of my only major rants from the year, haha… Which I don’t tend to do often, but when 3 different people email you for advice back-to-back because they’re getting encouraged bullied into buying a home against their will, I felt like I had to say something… And turns out, they weren’t the only people dealing with this (!!!)

And then here were my runner up favorites from the year:

And lastly, the 3 new side hustles we added to our series that I always enjoy learning from:


And that’s a wrap on 2018!

Have any of your own favorites that impacted you last year? I hope you do tell me! Sometimes I have no idea where these words go that I type unless people tell me :)

See ya back on Monday!

j. money signature

For previous years’ favorites:

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  1. Emma Jackson January 19, 2019 at 2:48 PM

    I just stumbled across this post and I am feeling inspired! I don’t know why I’ve never thought of doing a round up of my favourite money related blog posts before! If I do, I’ll be sure to remember to credit you for the idea :)

    1. J. Money January 21, 2019 at 8:47 AM

      Go for it! It’s great for new people to your site too so they can get caught up with some of the goodies they’ve missed :)

  2. Marian J Lamont February 3, 2019 at 7:45 PM

    Hi J,
    I’m wondering if you let all these blog owners know you are linking to them? Also have you seen any that you highlight, link back to you? Curious in Denver.


    1. J. Money February 4, 2019 at 2:44 PM

      Well these posts here are all those we posted up on my own site so didn’t alert anyone there, however on my monthly *roundup* posts where I feature those I like I’ll usually let them know I’m featuring them, yeah :) I’m not sure if anyone returns the favor as I don’t keep track of that stuff, but I know they always appreciate getting mentioned so that’s good! I link back to people no matter what if I love their stuff.