How’s THAT for a title? ;) And luckily the tool I wanna share with y’all today is just as juicy too! At least with the…
Browsing Category Shopping
Would You Have Gone Back and Paid For It?
You know those times when you REALLY want to be bad and disregard that little angel sitting there on your shoulders? But you know for…
Could You Go a Year Without Shopping For Clothes?
Could you go a MONTH? ;) I read an article on this chick doing it over at Savvy Sugar this week, and I started to…
Time For Christmas Shopping Yet?
I usually don’t even THINK about this stuff until around December the 14th or 23rd, haha, but this year my mother’s cracking down on us…
I May Have Just Quit Lottery Tickets (*gasp!*)
Who would have guessed I’d be blogging about THAT! Remember all those Lottery Experiments I did back in the day? Or the billion+ times I’ve…
The High/Low Game!
I caught a most excellent post over at TeacHerFinance called “Thursday: Most and Least,” and I’m totally ripping it off today to play it with…
7 Awesome Money Gifts
Someone sent me a link to a pretty sweet gift idea the other day (it’s #1 on the list below), and it got me wondering…
New Chrome in Our Kitchen!
As of yesterday, I’m now a bit more comfortable shall the likes of MTV Cribs show up at my place one day :) WE GOT…
Welcome to Barterville: Population 1?
So I have this brilliant idea right now of creating an awesome bartering platform here on our site, but I have absolutely no idea if…
The Pickup Truck Theory of Life
(Guest post by Donna Freedman while J$ learning how to change diapers :)) J. Money, my favorite wedding-gift giver, thinks that plenty of things should…