I May Have Just Quit Lottery Tickets (*gasp!*)

Who would have guessed I’d be blogging about THAT! Remember all those Lottery Experiments I did back in the day? Or the billion+ times I’ve expressed my love for those sexy little scratchers? I guess all good things gotta come to an end :)

At least for now…

The weird part is I really don’t know *why* exactly I’ve given them up. I’ve made it quite clear over the years I absolutely have nothing against them, and I find them still to be ample sources of cheap entertainment, but lately – like for the past 6+ months? – I just haven’t picked up a single one. Which is a far cry from my 5x a week habit!

When I went searching for an answer, these were the first things to come to mind:

  1. I’m bored of them
  2. I really don’t win much, despite my thinking that I always DO ;)
  3. I rarely go to the grocery store anymore, and thus not surrounded by them as much
  4. I’m enjoying spending my dollars at yard sales and on two dollar bills instead
  5. All that gray scratch-off stuff makes a mess in my living room and always gets stuck in my nails!
  6. And lastly, I’m kinda bored of them (Did I already mention that?)

I suppose it’s a combination of all those which led me to take a break for a while… Though unfortunately it’s not like I’m saving that much in the process of it all, haha… I’m  just spending the money elsewhere! :) But that’s the point of your “entertainment” budget, right? It’s money you’ve allocated for whatever it is that excites you at the time, and you don’t have to feel bad for using it.

Anyways, just a little observation I’ve been noticing. I’m sure I’ll be back here in a few months singing its praises again and back on the gambling train ;) But at least we now know I’m not an addict!

Anyone else notice a lack of spending or saving in an area lately? Does it concern you?

PS: That doodled dollar up there? That comes from my friend Tino who is also participating in our money collage series going on… And which reminded me of my lack of lottery buyings today! Thanks bud :)

PPS: Another interesting note: When I tried to scan in that bill up there, my scanner told me it wasn’t allowed! So I snapped a pic on the iPhone instead and then edited it in Photoshop – which ALSO told me I better be careful! Haha… I guess to counteract counterfeiting and what not. It’s a good thing I’m not a criminal – this technology is getting smarter and smarter over the years! :)

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  1. Adam Hathaway October 26, 2012 at 10:54 AM

    I have noticed a lack of spending on entertainment for myself. All my money is going into my business and kids. I guess if I found a cheap source of entertainment I may splurge soon.

  2. J. Money October 26, 2012 at 11:04 AM

    Not bad places to put it :) I tend to get obsessive about things, and then phase out for a while… It’ll be interesting to see what’s next for the money pit ;)

  3. Mistress Susan October 26, 2012 at 11:38 AM

    I have been playing Mega Millions for the past 11 years. I look at it as in my state, the money goes towards full college scholarships for students with at least a B average.

  4. Tino October 26, 2012 at 11:53 AM

    Yooooo, I just tried to scan a 20 dollar billl. Me too… My scanner doesn’t allow it. Sheesh, how are people supposed to counterfeit money these days when the copier companies don’t allow it?

  5. LB @ Finanical Black Sheep October 26, 2012 at 12:22 PM

    I had to try with a 50, let’s just say my phone and computer didn’t even warn me. It was just the camera on my phone and free software that comes with a PC. I guess the cheaper you are, the less warnings you get lol. *shrugs

    As for spending less, I am in school so I noticed I spend less just because I don’t go out as much. I do, however, have this weird idea that as long as my hubby is with me, and it benefits both of us, it is OK to spend. I even wrote about it on my blog, but it still didn’t help me figure out why I think blowing our budget is fun as long as I am with him. Too weird.

  6. Melissa@LittleHouseintheValley October 26, 2012 at 2:57 PM

    We used to spend a fair amount on eating out, but we hardly ever go out now. I guess I have started liking the food we make at home better.

    I have never had luck with lottery tickets, so I almost never buy them.

  7. Boss' Assistant October 26, 2012 at 2:59 PM

    My mom gets us lottery tickets every Christmas. She is always more excited than we are because we know we won’t win. :)

  8. Budget & the Beach October 26, 2012 at 5:33 PM

    Well I feel like I loosened up just a bit too much this month since this has *finally* been a good month. I need to get back on track and a little more disciplined since I don’t know what the next few months may bring me.

  9. Derek - Freeat33 October 27, 2012 at 3:44 PM

    I pretty well cut the eating out budget. I was just out and was hungry and thought to myself I would rather eat at home and save the ten bucks. Not a bad thing to give up.

  10. J. Money October 27, 2012 at 8:57 PM

    @Mistress Susan – That’s pretty good! Would you still play even if it *didn’t* go anywhere important? I probably would if I’m being completely honest, but I am glad it always does go back to the community in some fashion or another :)
    @Tino – They just don’t make things like they used to ;)
    @LB @ Finanical Black Sheep – Maybe you just don’t care when you’re with him cuz you guys are in la la land with love? Hehe… I tend to get that way too and then who knows where all my money goes! But more importantly, why do you have a $50 bill on you right now? That is awesome! :)
    @Melissa@LittleHouseintheValley – Well that’s good! we tend to eat the same stuff over and over again, but luckily they’re like all my favorites :) We’ll see what happens when we need to start cooking for a baby though! That’ll def. change things up… except for our chicken nuggets meal – kids love those!
    @Boss’ Assistant – I love your mom!! That’s like the perfect stocking stuffers :)
    @Budget & the Beach – Congrats! Hopefully you have three or four good ones in a row before a crap one pops up ;) Just don’t get used to all that loosey goosey stuff!
    @Derek – Freeat33 – Not bad at all when you can swing it. Well done :)
    @Erik – Ahhhh, very cool! Going to check out now :)

  11. Wayne @ Young Family Finance October 27, 2012 at 9:23 PM

    I’m pretty impressed at the scanner/phone “knowing” what you’re doing with the money! Wow! I know a few people who swear by lottery tickets. It’s especially not bad when you win the money you use to buy more lottery tickets. It’s not my chosen form of entertainment (partially because it only lasts for a few seconds) but they are fun stocking stuffers.

  12. Liquid October 28, 2012 at 5:47 AM

    I buy lottery tickets on occasion. I don’t do it to win. I do it for the social aspect. Becoming a part of something bigger than myself. Have something to bring up in dry conversation. Winning any small amount would be a bonus though :D Canadian bank notes look like money from some board game lol.

  13. J. Money October 28, 2012 at 8:38 AM

    @Wayne @ Young Family Finance – I know, at first I was pretty impressed w/ my scanner too, and then it quickly turned into an annoyance, haha… But I guess it does more good than harm ;)
    @Liquid – Haha yeah – they’re so much more colorful than ours! Actually, most of the world’s money is. I wonder if people think ours are lame and boring?

  14. Vangile Makwakwa October 28, 2012 at 8:36 PM

    I stopped spending money on my weekly massages and acupuncture sessions. This does concern me since it impacts my health and stress levels. The money has gone into my travels – I have taken 3 vacations this year to London and Madagascar and different places in South Africa. I am now actively working on getting back on track with my budget and I think I would play the lottery if I was guanteed a win or maybe I will eventually invest in a smart phone because they seem rather smart.

  15. J. Money October 29, 2012 at 9:55 AM

    I wonder which area helps more with stress: The massages and acupuncture or vacations? :) I’ve never tried the former, but I’m alllll about the latter! Love me some vacays. And smart phones for that matter – as long as they make your life EASIER and not harder. The ability to access email 24×7 can be both a splendor and an annoyance, haha…

  16. Vangile Makwakwa October 30, 2012 at 5:54 PM

    The massages are cheaper and for that reason I think they help way more. Vacations always throw me off budget but I’m working on that.

  17. Pam October 30, 2012 at 7:38 PM

    I really like playing lotto tickets but I never win and I am getting tired of them too.


  18. J. Money October 31, 2012 at 9:04 AM

    @Vangile Makwakwa – Ahhh yeah, that makes sense. At least you’ve got the extra money to prioritize like that :)
    @Pam – It’s def. hard to win at least on a consistent basis…. Still trying to figure out “the trick” ;)

  19. Cat November 9, 2012 at 2:01 PM

    Good job! that’s awesome! (even though you didn’t have anything against them).
    Lately I’ve been commuting with a friend to work and that has been saving me money, I try for one day a week (since my car can go 4 days without refueling that gets me to the weekend).

    Also I used my stop and shop gas savings at a shell the other night and i saved 40c per gallon! I’ve never done it before and I was intimidated by the process but it turns out it’s not hard and it saved me a lot of money.

    Also, I’ve started bringing lunch to work every day to minimize temptation.

  20. J. Money November 9, 2012 at 9:13 PM

    Awesome! I like keeping it nice and simple and easier like that too – 1 day a week is a LOT easier goal to shoot for than 2 or 3 or even 5! I see a trend here with your simplicity ;)