Welcome to Barterville: Population 1?

So I have this brilliant idea right now of creating an awesome bartering platform here on our site, but I have absolutely no idea if something like that would ever take off, haha… So I figured I’d hurry up and just put it out there and see what happens ;) And we could start with things that I, personally, have to trade out as well as things that I’m currently looking for and go from there.

Maybe this will be a nice addition to BudgetsAreSexy? Or maybe it’ll give me something even MORE fun to do while yard saling and thrifting at the very least? Like if you collect something in particular which I can then look for during my treasure hunts every week? ;)  Ya never know…

Here’s a list of everything I’m currently looking for below, as well as those I have in my hoards just waiting to be released to avid collectors out there. If you see anything you like, just let me know!

Things I’m looking for:

  • Old currency! Coins, paper money, anything that’s old and of U.S. nature.  I collect some foreign currency too, but I really only get super excited for U.S. stuff…
  • Old anything else relating to money. Stock certificates, deeds, etc!  There’s a ton of really cool stuff out there that I’d probably want to get my hands on if I could :) One day I even want to live in a bank!!! Haha… like a really old school one where my blogger office would be inside the safe!
  • Old guns! I actually don’t  have *any* of these right now, but I’m jonesing for a pair of dueling pistols like crazy! I keep seeing them in museums and on shows like Pawn Stars, and now I really REALLY want a pair for myself!  Just pretty hard to come by :(
  • Old knives. Especially those used in battles like the Civil War (what is it with me and weapons?)
  • Old locks! This one’s totally for my dad who NEVER collects anything.  But now all of a sudden he’s totally into locksmithing and is starting a collection of old locks – like these.
  • The 1st edition of Kiplinger Magazine, which was known as “Changing Times” back then…

I feel like I have more than that on my wish list, but for now that’ll start us off right… I’ll add more to the list as they come up :)

Here are things I have to trade:

  • A collection of basketball cards including tons of Michael Jordans.
  • A small collection of old baseball cards with some famous names…
  • A handful of football cards including Mr. OJ Simpson himself! (HAH!)
  • A small collection of micro-machines! Remember those? :)
  • Some not so-expensive comic books (12 or so random ones…)
  • Old Civil War items (buttons, bullets, other miscellaneous things)
  • An old stamp collection! Two books worth and a small box of extras
  • Weird dragon and computer artwork?
  • Simon & Patrick Luthier S&P 6 Spruce Acoustic Guitar (6 String)
  • A brand new $70 SentrySafe Safe (would be kinda hard to mail though?)
  • An hour or two of my time? I could help with finances, blogging, business, or anything else really that you may want a fresh pair of eyes on… My experience and rates can be found here at our online consulting agency: Nate & Jay Consulting.

I could probably find more stuff too around the house, but that’s everything that comes to mind at the moment… If you’re looking for anything in particular though, let me know on that too!  I hit up yard sales/estate sales/thrift stores allllllll the time, so I’m bound to come across something you’re looking for.  It’ll make the hunt even that much more fun! :)

Now who’s with me?  Anyone wanna start off the first trade?  I don’t know how exactly we’ll do the logistics to it all (mail?) but either way I’m fascinated by the idea of this :)  And for now we’ll plan on linking to this list continuously in our top navbar there, and will keep it updated as time goes on and I come across more things I want or have to trade. Feel free to reach out to me anytime day or night!


UPDATE: Somebody just asked me if you could also barter in *cash*, and the answer to that is: YES. Cash money is always welcome here, haha…

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  1. Lance @ Money Life and More August 10, 2012 at 7:06 AM

    Unfortunately I don’t have anything you want unless you consider old US currency anything older than this year :) I have a lot of that I’d trade for… cash! I can’t think of anything particular right now but if I come up with something later I’ll post it up here on this post! Best of luck, I’m sure you’ll be able to find something!

  2. Erin August 10, 2012 at 8:20 AM

    This sounds great! I definitely don’t have anything you have in your list, though.

    I DO have a pretty good-sized collection of scrapbook paper and lots of beads for jewelry making that I could trade for something.

    That’s another problem…can’t think of what I want! I love the idea of bartering, but man…this is tough!

  3. Brian August 10, 2012 at 8:46 AM

    I have a very healthy collection of old coins, but based on your list there isn’t really anything I want to trade for at the moment. I might be willing to part with some of my lower quality Indian head cents or flying eagle cents.

  4. AverageJoe August 10, 2012 at 9:48 AM

    J. Money’s yard sale! Unfortunately, I have none of the above. I do have a witty personality I’d exchange for some beef jerkey and a couple of cold Rolling Rocks.

  5. LB August 10, 2012 at 10:57 AM

    Have I said how interested (*ahem* obsessed) I am with money? Sorry I collect coins and currency also and wouldn’t have anything to trade. Have you tried Craigslist? Not exactly a good way to barter, but maybe you can find some of the things you are looking for.

  6. Em August 10, 2012 at 11:21 AM

    I really like this idea but unfortunately I don’t have anything you are looking for. I’m sure someone will though

  7. Aaron @ ThreeThriftyGuys August 10, 2012 at 11:34 AM

    Man – you are creative. I’d love to trade something for a civil war button! Haven’t got anything on your list though.. maybe I could do a drawing for you ? :)

  8. Brent Pittman August 10, 2012 at 12:24 PM

    It sounds like an interesting experiment. Somehow you’ll need to be able to bring in diverse groups of people who can trade intangible items like professional knowledge and skills. This might be easier than trading actual physical items. I’d love to have some info-graphs or cartoons done, and can offer financial coaching in exchange if anyone is interested.

  9. Adam August 10, 2012 at 12:37 PM

    Cool idea. How would this work? You’ll need some kind of ad type of platform that lets users browse for things. You have a bunch of great ideas to get you started. I think I’ll stick around to see how it works out and maybe pick up a few cool things along the way.

  10. Josh D. August 10, 2012 at 12:49 PM

    When you say “old” baseball cards, are we talking 1980’s or 1960’s? :-)

  11. Jacob @ iheartbudgets August 10, 2012 at 1:21 PM

    Hah, fun idea! I don’t have any old anything really, except a gold plated pocketwatch, but I’m keeping that ;) . I’ll see if I can dig up my old penny I found once. Like 1935 or something…

  12. Jenna, Adaptu Community Manager August 10, 2012 at 4:13 PM

    Sounds like fun. Although how will you know if something is real or fake?

  13. Ornella @ Moneylicious August 10, 2012 at 4:32 PM

    Fun idea…but I wouldn’t have anything you want :-(

  14. Sherri August 10, 2012 at 4:34 PM

    Well, I don’t have anything to barter and hoarder husband is loathe to part with anything. I know that my chiropractor barters with a handy man for minor repairs at their office. Although I don’t wish it on anyone, if one of her kids comes up with an articulation disorder and needs speech therapy, I may barter for chiropractic visits. She and I have actually discussed it a little and she said she’s keeping an eye (or ear) on her youngest child.

  15. J. Money August 10, 2012 at 5:12 PM

    Whelp, no trades in action yet, but I’m still staying hopeful! One of you guys HAS to have something for me out there, I can feel it in my bones ;) And maybe I can find something you’re looking for if I don’t have something on my list? I LOVE searching for stuff!

    @Lance @ Money Life and More – Thanks man, please do :) Want to try doing some trades and see how it goes!
    @Erin – Haha… well maybe someone will see your awesome stash and offer something you could use? Guess we really never know until we put it out there :) And now that I know you have lots of that stuff, if I ever get asked for it I’ll know where to look!
    @Brian – Hmmm… maybe you’d want to sell me one of your semi-nicer coins one day? Would be cool to get one off someone who reads my blog :) More trust there I feel like?
    @AverageJoe – Hah! I’d gladly offer you that in exchange for a good fun conversation one day :)
    @LB – Yeah, that’s true. Just not as fun ;) I love it that you collect too though – if you ever want something in particular let me know and if I come across it at a coin show or something, I’ll pick it up for ya. The hunt is the best part!
    @Em – No worries, if you ever do just shout :)
    @Aaron @ ThreeThriftyGuys – Hmm… or a logo for my next project? I might actually be interested in that down the road :)
    @Brent Pittman – Nice! Aaron who just left the comment above you is a great artist. Though not sure he’s looking for financial advice? But I def. see your point… I’d have to get super lucky for someone to happen to see this which has what I’m looking for AND vice versa… never hurts to try though ;)
    @Adam – Thanks man :) I’ll have to put more thought into it and gauge the amount of time/effort/worth it is to do it all, but I’d LOVE it if I got something really cool going here that helps tons more people than just myself. We’ll have to see how it turns out – thanks for commenting :)
    @Josh D. – 80s, 70s, I think even 50s? Haven’t looked in a while but I def. have some Mantle’s and other older cards that I got off a kid who’s dad collected back when HE was a kid. Hard to find stashes like that anymore :) You looking for anything in particular? Do you have anything I’m interested in from my list?
    @Jacob @ iheartbudgets – Ooooooh that sounds awesome!! PIC PLEASE! :)
    @Jenna, Adaptu Community Manager – I’d have to put a lot of trust into you guys first, and then get it checked out by a professional once in my hands I guess? Great question though… hadn’t thought about it much.
    @Ornella @ Moneylicious – You don’t have hugs? (Awwwwwww)
    @Sherri – Well that’s a great idea! Bartering with skills like that is great – esp. since a lot of that stuff costs so much money now a days, good thinking over there :)

  16. Meg August 10, 2012 at 6:10 PM

    Must know what cars you have in your micro machines collection….. I might be willing to trade some coins, if you’d want what I have. The most interesting I think is an Israeli coin I’ve had for years. I think it’s Israeli, anyhow. I could always see if my hubby can get his hands on Kyrgi money when he gets there in a few weeks. (They must have their own currency, but I have no idea how that’d work.)

    I’m big into my diecast car collecting, so if you come across Porsche anything I’ll see what resources I can milk for foreign currency. Couple of friends go TDY fairly often. ;) Would be fun to work out some sort of deal!! Haha.

  17. Aloysa @My Broken Coin August 10, 2012 at 8:03 PM

    The idea is quite interesting. But I don’t have anything to offer nor I have anything you are looking for. But I am curious to see where this idea leads you. :)

  18. Jessica August 10, 2012 at 8:56 PM

    I have a presidential nomination medal from the 1800s. If its something you are interested in, I can pull it out of my safe and get you the details. Its really neat.

  19. David Hunter August 10, 2012 at 9:02 PM

    Where’s the Barterville tab?! I’m sure you could put one up in a few seconds! Oh, and I take credit for this post! Haha

  20. Melissa@LittleHouseInTheValley August 10, 2012 at 9:21 PM

    I love this idea! I like to barter, but often the other party isn’t used to doing it. With this system, both parties are looking to barter, so the awkwardness is already taken out of the equation. Can’t wait to see how this idea does.

  21. Randall August 10, 2012 at 10:43 PM

    Just came to say that Mat Kearney is awesome.

  22. Pedro August 11, 2012 at 2:09 AM

    what happened to minimalism, J?

  23. J. Money August 11, 2012 at 1:03 PM

    Now we’re talking!! Who’s gonna be my first trade here??? We’re getting closer :)

    @Meg – COOL!! I don’t know if there are any porches in there off-hand, but as soon as I’m back from the beach I’ll check and let you know ;) I DO remember though not that you mention diecast, that I have a few older cars that are about a foot long too :) One of them a super cool silver Mercedez sportster or something with doors that raise up like wings! It’s pretty dope. I used to collect them as a kid and totally forgot about them unti now – so I bet you would like them! Will you shoot me a reminder about this, and when I’m home I’ll take pictures of them all and email you back? I bet we can work something cool out :) Even if I don’t want the foreign coins, it would be nice to know someone’s enjoying the cars a lot more than I would sitting in my basement. Talk soon!
    @Aloysa @My Broken Coin – You know I’ll be posting more about it later ;)
    @Jessica – Huh. Now that’s something you don’t see every day! Do you have a picture of it anywhere? Or maybe you can find one by Googling or going to eBay? I’d LOVE to take a look and go from there :) Very very interesting, that’s for sure… do you want any of my stuff I’ve already listed, or anything else in particular I could find for you? Or just cash? Haha…
    @David Hunter – Haha… I’ll give you credit for it once it’s up ;)
    @Melissa@LittleHouseInTheValley – Oh yeah, it gets kinda weird when only one side is up for bartering, haha… I’m excited to see how this experiment goes though :)
    @Randall – Haha… okay. How did this post remind you of him?
    @Pedro – Oh, it’s still there baby, don’t you worry about that. Isn’t one of the traits of minimalism to keep things even anyways? 1 in, 1 out? I’m not adding anything new here, but only trading to something I like better ;) And in fact searching for all these treasures in my house has actually gotten me to GET RID OF a lot of stuff too when I come across things I don’t even want anymore. So minimalim is still going strong!

  24. JP August 12, 2012 at 8:50 PM

    not really anything to barter, but the old banks…..
    if you’re ever driving through the middle of nevada, the recorder/assessors office in Goldfield, NV is AMAZING! It’s an old western bank, and the recorders office is in the vault – they have to turn the huge spindel lock to get in. The cashier is behind the old school brass cages. It’s got the wooden paneling & quite a few history plaques & old photos and documents. You can check out the old deeds from the 1800s in their leather bound ledgers. It’s truly beautiful and worth the awful drive out there!

  25. Scott August 13, 2012 at 6:57 AM

    For currency, check out a local coin show – they have great availability on old paper money there. ;)

    It’s a great hobby!

  26. J. Money August 13, 2012 at 10:10 AM

    @JP – NICE!! That does sound amazing, would love to check that bad boy out :) Going to add it to my “places to see” one day spreadsheet in the off chance I’m ever driving through that area… good lookin’ out.
    @Scott – I totally want to! I’ve seen them pop up here and there over the years, but all before I was super interested in ’em all. I’ve got my eagle eye out and ready now though, believe you me.

  27. Randall August 14, 2012 at 8:17 AM

    @ J. Money
    Your dinosaur/computer artwork has his CDs in front.


  28. J. Money August 14, 2012 at 10:00 AM

    Ahhh, haha… gotcha. Forgot I linked to that pic :) You can have them if you want ’em – it turns out I only like one or two songs from each CD.