That’s the 100% truth my friends! The more you pay off now, the less you pay in interest later – It’s like kickin’ compound interest…
Browsing Category Saving Money
A bunch of articles on saving money :) And also the original title of this blog, before I realized it was taken, haha… keep hoarding those dollars!
Dear Coupon Lovers, Are you ever treated differently?
I think Quizno’s just ripped me off today because i used a coupon…I’m not really all that mad about it per se, but it has…
How many paychecks are you away from $hit town?
If you didn’t get a paycheck one day, would you be able to survive? And what about 2 or 3 paychecks down the line? Scary…
Can’t use a competitor’s coupon? (Don’t tell my mom.)
As my loving mother always says, “it doesn’t hurt to ask”. And this time I’ll agree with her :) Especially because she just tried this…
Real Simple’s "71 Ways to Spend Smarter (and save a lot)"
Yup, ’tis the season to break out the ways to save! Last week I reviewed Kiplinger’s list of $50/day savings tips (which wasn’t all *that*…
Do you think showering together REALLY saves water?
I don’t know, but I sure would like to try it! According to my good friend Kim Kardashian though, it works like a charm ;)…
Save $50 a Day and Feel No Pain? Hmm…I dunno about that.
As many of you know, I’m a huge magazine addict (i like all the pretty pictures). So it’s no surprise that I devour about 4-5…
I’m not feelin’ the love from Upromise – How about you?
Although it’s very likely I just haven’t put in the time or effort to maximize my earnings ;) But you would think having 4 credit/debit…
10 More Ways to Woo! On budget, even. (imagine that)
One day until you know what! You all prepared & ready to go? Yes? No? Maybe? Like questions? Think I can stop asking them now?…
Suze Orman’s Free Book Download (Thanks Oprah!)
Yup, Suze Orman is giving away another book online! It’s called “Suze Orman’s 2009 Action Plan” and it’s her newest one. Here’s the link –…