[Guest article by Linda Kaplan Thaler and Robin Koval] As the authors of THE POWER OF NICE and THE POWER OF SMALL, we know first-hand…
Browsing Category Saving Money
A bunch of articles on saving money :) And also the original title of this blog, before I realized it was taken, haha… keep hoarding those dollars!
Thanks a Latte, Starbucks!
This is a guest post from my talented as hell brother, T. Penny – the guy who reminded us debt is like kissing your sister…and…
Want to keep more money? Obey the law!
Nothing I’m about to say will come as a shocker, but it needs to be said ;) And that’s because I’m getting dangerously close to…
Savings & Rubber Band Balls.
Rubber band balls and savings have a lot in common. For one, the more you add to them the bigger they get! Savings, retirement, emergency…
NoSpend November: How I reformed my spending.
This is a guest post by Sox, and I think this it’s BRILLIANT! Some of you might not remember, but giving up ‘shopping’ for Lent…
If I could move back in with my parents…
I would save a crap ton of money! And eat a lot healthier too. I might have to go to bed every night at 9,…
My Wallet Gets Beer Goggles Too.
Fresh out of college I used to blow through $300/mo. on alcohol easily. Living in NYC and going out at least 3 nights a week…
40 Cheap & Last Minute Halloween Costumes.
For all you slackers out there (myself included). Last year I went as a rockstar, but I’m thinking of going as a Blogger this time…
Saving Now Gives Us Mad Options Later.
Saving and managing our money now goes a long way later! This isn’t the first time you’ve ever ever heard this, especially by me, but…
Secrets of a Stingy Scoundrel: Review & Giveaway!
Well, I finally finished Secrets of a Stingy Scoundrel: 100 Dirty Little Money-Grubbing Secrets and it sure was interesting! (and a nice change of pace)…