I think I’m going to start giving out missions to y’all and see what comes of it. I bet if we spend 30 seconds really…
Browsing Category Saving Money
A bunch of articles on saving money :) And also the original title of this blog, before I realized it was taken, haha… keep hoarding those dollars!
Ahh so THAT’S what it’s called… “Mental Accounting!”
Saw this in Kiplinger Mag and didn’t realize there was a term for it :) I’ve been a poster child for “mental accounting” for the…
If You Can Read, You Can Cook…
(Guest Post by Edward Antrobus…who got riled up at all of us who said we “couldn’t do it” to last week’s No Restaurants in November…
The “No Restaurants in November” Challenge
True or False: You can go an entire month without eating out ONCE? No Wendys, no Subways, no snack machines!!! Nothing. Everything you eat –…
Always keep $100 in your checking account
Hidey ho my financial friends! Today I’d like to talk about checking accounts. In particular, PADDING your accounts so you don’t make a jack ass…
7 Frugally Hot Halloween Costumes
I literally JUST realized Halloween was THIS weekend! As in tonight! As in “OMG I don’t have a Halloween costume yet!” It’s a good thing…
What I’m NOT Saving Up For
We always talk about the things we ARE saving for, but what about the things we AREN’T? Have you ever thought about it that way? …
Tip #397: Hide your money from yourself
This is a tip that I never really thought worked, but starting to realize its benefits. I first read about it in my boy Alan…
It’s National Coupon Month!
In case you’re un-cool and unaware, National Coupon Month starts today!!! There’s even a whole website dedicated to it: nationalcouponmonth.com 3 interesting facts and then…
Tips From a Vegas Virgin
(This is a guest post from my boy Philip – an avid reader of BudgetsAreSexy and now a more distinguished gentleman!) So with my first…