(Guest Post by Andrew at Money Crashers) Ready for your big date? Your night is planned, you’re dressed up sharp, and you’ve got a wallet…
Browsing Category Saving Money
A bunch of articles on saving money :) And also the original title of this blog, before I realized it was taken, haha… keep hoarding those dollars!
A 50 Year Financial Game Plan
If you’ve ever wondered how much money you should have saved up at certain points of your life, the new issue of Money Mag gives…
9 Killer Savings Tips
I pulled these out of Kiplinger’s mag this month – pretty good stuff! They even made all tips under 140 characters a la Twitter style,…
How to Save Even MORE on Hotel Rooms
(Guest Post by Jacob) During the past few years, the topic of ‘hotels’ has been discussed several times on Budgets Are Sexy. First, J asked…
10 Awesomely Manly Un-Piggy Banks
I came across this DOPE grenade bank the other day, where you actually have to break it open in order to get your money back…
Growing Beards and Saving Monies
Two weeks ago I decided that I was gonna start growing a beard for the first time in my life. At first it was just…
Stop Buying Stuff – Start Refurbishing!
(Article today by Adria Saracino, a pretty sweet personal *fashion* blogger ;)) I used to buy a lot of $hit. A self-proclaimed shopaholic, I was…
Want to Save Money? Hide it from Yourself!
(Guest Post by Victoria Reitano, on a similar idea I once blogged about ;)) You know the feeling when you take out a winter coat…
Groupon’s $5 Magazine Subscription Deal
Groupon is having a killer deal today, and for once I’m gonna promote it ;) In fact, I’ve been buying gifts left and right on…
Mythbusters: Extreme Couponing
(Article by Kelly Gurnett – an awesome blogger friend of mine who is all kinds of creative! I’m out in Milwaukee for the last Love…