Okay guys, got a fun one for you today :) I don’t even know what to make of it all to be honest with you,…
Browsing Category Saving Money
A bunch of articles on saving money :) And also the original title of this blog, before I realized it was taken, haha… keep hoarding those dollars!
How Do You Compare to This “State of Spending” Report?
Hey guys, welcome to a fresh week of saving money! Personal Capital just came out with their inaugural “State of Spending” report, and thought it…
3 Ways to Grow Wealth & Be Happy
Goooooooood morning Budgets Are Sexy fam! I hope you’re in the mood for some motivation/self-reflection today, ‘cuz I’ve got a handful of financial nuggets for…
29 Quick Money Tricks
“Simply making decisions, one after another, can be a form of art.” – John Gruber So the other day I was feeling bored and pretty…
Are You Ever #FrugalByAccident?
If you save money by accident, does it still count? I was at a meet-up the other day for entrepreneurs, and upon plopping down my…
Finally – The Magic Number You Need to Retire!!
I almost vomited a little in my mouth, but that headline needed to be written. How many times have you heard that you need $X…
How I Became an Accidental Entrepreneur
What’s up, y’all! Stumbled across this old interview I did a few years ago for SideGigStartup.com on how I became an entrepreneur/blogger full-time, and thought…
More Inductions To The Saving Hacks Hall of Fame!
When I was a kid, I used to sneak in double cheeseburgers off the dollar menu for snacks every time I hit up the movie…
How to Make Money More Interesting
You know how everyone says that we need more financial education in schools, and if we had that everyone would spend less and save more…
How To Get Rich, According to Mark Cuban
In 2008, billionaire entrepreneur Mark Cuban wrote a post on how to get rich. In 2011, this same billionaire re-posted it again as the economy…