Guess what?? They talked about personal finance on the radio today, and I almost had a moneygasm! Haha… The clip was on some new savings…
Browsing Category Saving Money
A bunch of articles on saving money :) And also the original title of this blog, before I realized it was taken, haha… keep hoarding those dollars!
11 Money Lies To Watch Out For
Mornin’, mornin’! Fellow blogger and $$$ personality, Ramit Sethi, tweeted out a request a few weeks ago, and now that my tiny brain has had…
How a Journal Completely Changed My Finances
[Oh do I have a good story for you guys today!! I hope you like long-form posts, because my man Ryland from stops by…
“A library is one of the few remaining places that cares more about you than your wallet.”
Truth nuggets dropping today, boy! That library is a frugal man and woman’s best friend! And that passage comes from a thoroughly fantastic article in…
46 Tips To Save You Time, Money, and Trouble (From The 1950’s!)
Here’s something you don’t see every day: a pamphlet from 1958 giving you over 300 tips “to save you time, money and trouble!” Found it…
Anyone Else Do This Security Sticker Trick?
So my wife the other day sent me a text that looked something like this: “Hey honey! Just picked up a bunch of security stickers…
The #YearOfNo Challenge
What up what uuuuuuup! Got another idea for y’all today: a mixture between a Depth Year that we fell in love with last month, and…
How I Became a Millionaire Working For The Government
[Hey guys! Welcome Rob Andersen from Mustard Seed Money to the site today, who shares his journey to his first million without having any fancy…
Is It Ever Okay To Lie To Your Spouse About Money?
[Hey guys! Another Friday, another great post by a fine blogger out there! Up today is nomad friend of mine, Laura Grace Tarpley, who blogs…
A Free Way to File Your Taxes This Year! (Federal + State)
I know I know, taxes – ugh. But I might have something for you that could save you hundreds of dollars this tax season, both…