Morning, friends!! Hope your $$$’s going well so far this week! Got an interesting email/ebook to share with you that’ll hopefully get it on track…
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15 of My Favorite Reads This Month ⭐
Happy Friyay! As we do here at the end of every month, here’s a brain dump of all my favorite reads collected over the weeks….
New Book (and Giveaway): “Women with Money” by Jean Chatzky
Morning! Had a calendar item pop up to post about this today, and then realized what good timing it was coming off our post last…
Some money jokes for impressing people 😂
Been a lot of serious finance talk on the blog this week, so thought we’d liven it up a bit today and pass along some…
Do you make more than your spouse? How is it going for you??
Was looking over our finances yesterday, and realized that for the first time since knowing my wife she’s actually making more money than me! Hubba…
The World’s Best Banks According to Forbes
Guess who landed the #1 slot on the new “World’s Best Banks” list?? Oh – it’s USAA! Heyo!!! And that’s just not my opinion as…
Where are you on your path to Financial Independence? Take this test.
Saw this on Twitter and couldn’t pass it up: In a nutshell: After you answer 20 super easy questions, it’ll spit out your rank and…
Advice From a Coffee Mug ☕
If you never thought your mug could change your life, think again ;) From my new favorite reader of the blog, Alyssa: Good morning J!…
Favorite articles from around the web this month ✨
Gooooood morning, beautifuls! What’s new in your world? How’d your February wrap up? Have you started updating your net worth already since it’s the 1st…
Obscure financial holidays to mark on your calendar :)
As “America Saves Week” continues on, I was reminded of some other fun holidays we should all be better about celebrating ;) After all, why…