Seriously, personal finance is not all that complicated. Sure it can get crazy when you throw in estate planning and charity foundations, but the principles…
Browsing Category Money Management
Blogger Showdown #2: Stephanie vs. Squawkfox
Welcome to PF Blogger Showdown #2! The last one with Trent and J.D. was wildly successful and I’m excited to continue on with our fun…
Automation and Forgetting to Brush My Teeth.
I forgot to brush my teeth today, can you believe that? It’s something I do twice a day going on 25+ years now, and yet…
Find Out Where Your Spending Leaks Are, and Fix Them.
I got a pretty impressive email the other day, and I’m hoping it inspires you! It comes from a reader here at Budgetsaresexy (we’ll call…
Blogger Showdown #1: J.D. Roth vs. Trent Hamm
Welcome to the 1st ever PF Blogger Showdown! Your support and excitement have been incredible the past few days since introducing the series, and my…
Introducing The Blogger Showdown Series!
I’m so excited I can barely keep my pants on. Starting next week, I’ll be pitting two Personal Finance Bloggers against each other in what…
The Best Order To Take Out Money
As I mentioned in my last post, Borrowing from yourself first is key. There’s no financial point in taking on more debt when you have…
Control Lifestyle Inflation Before it Controls You.
***************************************************************** This is a guest article from video blogger Vik Tantry. He runs the personal finance site, and has some pretty wicked videos uploaded…
Financial Checklists Are Key. What’s Yours?
Just like budgets, financial checklists also come in different shapes and sizes. Today I present to you a real-life one by fellow blogger Kaitlyn from…
Live Like You’re Broke…
Whatcha know about that? Fellow blogger Anne wrote a little on it the other day, and it really hit me – Live like you’re broke!…