I’ve been living under a new mantra these days, and as obvious as it’s going to sound, I’m still gonna share it with you anyways…
Browsing Category Life
The 5 Biggest Purchases of My Life
Sometimes I like to stare at my investment accounts and watch my dollars work hard for me. Other times, I’m a glutton for punishment and…
Want to Stop Spending Money? Get Busy.
Back before I started this blog in ’08, I was your typical bachelor. I bought a lot of stuff I didn’t need but I really…
A Wealth Poem – Recited by Guy on The Road
That was the title of an email I just received from Aimee – a fellow fan of the site. Intrigued (of course) I opened it…
The Money Gnome and Other Random Adventures (Like me Becoming a Money Coach?)
Happy Friday, friends! Say hello to my new little friend up there – Mr. Money Gnome. I woke up yesterday and saw him out my…
The Exact Amount to Maximize Happiness
I started writing this post over three weeks ago, and right smack in the middle of it I got the call that we were gonna…
Introducing J. Nickel!
I’m baaaaaaaaaack! And I come bearing babies :) Even though they like to keep mommy and daddy up all hours of the night, those little…
True Story: I Lived on a Circus Train
[This is another (incredible!) career that our friend Mel from brokeGIRLrich.com once pursued ;) Who you might remember from her article on living and working…
It’s Not Always About the Benjamins
[Please welcome Tonya from BudgetandTheBeach.com today while J$ enjoys the rest of his paternity leave… You didn’t know this, but all finance bloggers are granted…
A Consumer’s Life in 30 Bullet Points
[We’ve got a killer article for you today by my new friend, A. Noonan Moose, over at FrugalFringe.com. I figured it would be much more…