Look! A post about budgeting! When was the last time we talked about *that* here on this blog, haha.. I should rename this site HustlingIsSexy.com…
Browsing Category Life
New Game: “Things I can afford when ____ is gone!”
Guess what day it is? Guess what day it is?? Never gets old… :) It’s also the day we play a new game called, “Things…
My New Shopping Ban + a J. Money in Your Pocket!
What up, Hustle Nation! Another day another dollar earned/saved/invested/paid off in debt, right? :) It’s been one heck of a week over here on the…
The Early Retirement / Financial Freedom Spreadsheet!
INSIDE: Wondering how long it will take you to reach financial freedom? With this early retirement calculator and spreadsheet, you can get a pretty good…
My Name is Jeremy, and This is How I Retired in My 30s
[Welcome to the new Early Retirement Series we’re starting here! Profiles of hustlers who have cracked the code and now living the dream on their…
7 Things I’ve Learned in 7 Years of Blogging
As of today, I’ve been blogging for exactly 20% of my life. TWENTY PERCENT. That’s more than any years spent in early education, high school,…
My Biggest Guilty Pleasure I Spend on Is ______?
If someone were to ask you the one thing you spend a lot of money on that you probably shouldn’t, you’d know the answer right?…
Would YOU Cash In Your Life?
So I got this pretty interesting email yesterday about cashing in your life and pursuing your dreams once and for all. Like, someone literally handing…
What It Cost Us to “Own” Our Home Last Year + A Question I Ask Myself Every Morning
We’re only three weeks into January so far, and we’ve already received a notice from our property managers* that our dishwasher is on the fritz…
My New Year’s Resolution: LIVE MORE
You’d think as a personal finance blogger my goal this year would be money-related, but truth be told I feel like a schlub always putting…