A couple months ago we talked about how debt is not forever if you don’t want it to be (but act now – supplies are…
Browsing Category Life
Interview w/ My Mom Who Just Found Out She Can Retire Anytime She Wants :)
My Mom: “We just met with our financial planner and she says we can retire whenever we want.” Me: “What??? Seriously? Are you going to…
What’s Your Financial Personality? [Quiz]
We’re gonna take a break from the weekly roundups today and do something else fun instead. A FINANCIAL PERSONALITY QUIZ – woo! (You know you…
Just Do You.
You know those times when people look down at you for something? Or think you’re a complete and utter whack job? Or stare at you…
The More You Slack, The Less You Stack
Welcome to Friday, hustlers :) It seems Spring brings out all the hope and beautiful flowers out there, but it also brings out the ol’…
Travel Hacking 101 w/ Brad Barrett
What up $$$ lovers! I thought we’d do something different today where we tackle a subject that everyone’s talking about, but one that yours truly…
This Week in Money, Apps, and Time Machines
“Carrying debt is as appealing as being covered with leeches, and has much the same effect.” – JL Collins Gooooooood morning, my fiscally sexy friends!…
20+ Triggers to Hack Your Life & Money
One year ago I picked up a large, 8 cup, water bottle to help force me to drink more water, and after staring at it…
This Week in Money, Apps, and Sexy New $$ Books
Poor people spend their money, and invest what’s left. Rich people invest their money, and spend what’s left. – Jim Rohn Something tells me we…
Being Happy = Being Happy
Yesterday I found my biggest score yet on a single walk: 16 whole cents! Six pennies and one dime, just littered on the ground as…