What’s Your Financial Personality? [Quiz]

We’re gonna take a break from the weekly roundups today and do something else fun instead. A FINANCIAL PERSONALITY QUIZ – woo! (You know you nerds love ’em ;))

This one’s brought to us by the guys over at Payoff.com, and it’ll literally take you about 30-40 seconds to run through (though you do have to give your email at the end to get your results, which kinda blows, but you can always opt out of it later like I’m gonna do…)

Here’s the quiz if you wanna play along: payoff.com/quiz

And as always, I’ll never ask you to do anything I wouldn’t do first! Except for maybe streaking the halls of your office naked while singing Jingle Bells, but that’s for another day and another website ;)

Here’s what the quiz told me I was:

storyteller personalityI would say this is about 90% spot on – particularly with the “storytelling” title ;) (They got the career part right – hah!) I do not, however, enjoy showing off my (lack of) dance skills without a beer or 10 down the tubes, and I also find myself being incredibly shy in situations not to my liking.

But for the most part it’s dead on with the craving of excitement and adventures, as well as the love for being around people all the time. And unfortunately the commitment problems are also very much a part of the deal :( In fact, I was just telling a friend that my wife and my blog are the longest running things in my life being 9 years and 7 years respectively! Blowing the previous records of 4 years (ex-gfs) and 3 years (ex-jobs) clear out of the water :) So I am a nice work in progress…

Now when it comes to how this affects me financially, well, the results goes as follows:

The Financial Habits of The Storyteller:

  • Tends to make impulsive purchases here or there — Who me? I never bought a $360,000 house on a whim or a $40 Swarovski crystal encrusted bottle of water before ;)
  • Reaches out to others for help or support for financial issues — I wish I did this more, but sadly I do not. Unless you count the written word that Google sends you to?
  • Analyzes their own finances and willing to help others with theirs — That better be me or else this blog for the past 7 years have been a sham! :)
  • Goes with first idea that pops into their head to solve a financial issue — Haha… I used to do this yeah, but now I try to at least sleep on it for a night or two before making any major decisions. Then if I still think it’s a good plan I’ll run with it. (Though for smaller decisions I will pull the trigger faster just ‘cuz there’s a billion and one other decisions we have to make in our lives and I try to focus my energies on those and not let the little things trip me up. It’s the worst not being able to make a decision!!)
  • Tends to overspend on social activities — Nah, not really… Back in the day, perhaps, but once you figure out this $$$ thing it tends to seep into all areas of your life thankfully. And I’ve since weeded out my friends who don’t have a problem with me doing my own thing. The rest are toxic.
  • Takes risks with their money with the hope of big rewards — Risks, yes, but only *calculated* ones. I never bet it all on black or send my dollars over to my Nigerian friends with promises of jackpots in return. But I will dump it all into the stock market (or even just one fund!) and hope the world doesn’t explode ;) I also don’t mind fronting a thousand or two for a new business idea or project if I think there could be something big or fun there. So risk’ish, sure, but no more Hail Marys for me. It’s all about taking smart chances and learning from them!

So pretty much the Storytellers suck with their money. And the me 8+ years ago definitely fell more into this category than I do now for sure. But that’s the beauty of figuring out this stuff – once you do it stays with you forever! And it’s good to know your potential problem areas too – which is the point of doing silly little quizzes like these.

Here’s the link again if you want to play along: payoff.com/quiz

Let me know what it pumps out for you! And if yours is aligned well too, or if it just spits out a bunch of gobbely-gook. It’s a fun way to goof off for a few minutes this morning, but more importantly it might shed some light into the way you’re built and handle your money. There’s nothing wrong with going with your emotions, but better that you’re HARNESSING them than the other way around! Emotions and money don’t usually mix well.

UPDATE: The Payoff team just shot me a note tracking the %’s of where y’all are falling in these personality groups. Kinda neat to see and learn about everyone!

financial personality types

UPDATE: #2: The (famous) scientist who made this quiz spent some time analyzing our results here, and then wrote up a two-page summary of it all for us. You can find it here if interested – kinda neat! :)

FUN FACT: This quiz was designed by eHarmony’s original Chief Science Officer and lead inventor of their “Love” patent, Dr. J. Galen Buckwalter. Who’s apparently responsible for 4% of marriages in the United States – hah!

PS: More quizzes to entertain you… Just watch out for your boss! ;)

[Killer pic by Darcy Adelaide as part of her “Speaking in Spokes” collection, pretty cool!]

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  1. Bryan June 5, 2015 at 5:23 AM

    “Please enter your email address. We’ll send you your detailed results, and you can enjoy useful, practical, and free monthly personality updates.”

    F*ck that!

    1. J. Money June 5, 2015 at 10:56 AM

      I warned you! I’m just gonna unsubscribe if it’s not helpful…

  2. Brian @ Debt Discipline June 5, 2015 at 6:47 AM

    I got the:

    The Rock
    LogicalConfidentEven-tempered 11% in america are The Rock
    As The Rock, you bring a stalwart and stable attitude to both your social life and your finances. You keep a level head no matter the situation. Your friends and family count on you to lead by example. You don’t get riled up easily and don’t jump into situations without first thinking through the short and long term results of your actions. Some people may call you cold and calculating, but they don’t really know you. You passionately stick up for those close to you, but you simply aren’t controlled by your emotions.
    Financial Habits of The Rock

    Rarely buys impulsively
    Doesn’t let emotions affect their financial decisions
    Comes back quickly from financial losses
    Avoids new financial tools or methods to handling finances
    May find it difficult to share financial information with family and friends
    Able to think of creative ideas to solve future financial issues

    1. Debbie M June 5, 2015 at 9:38 AM

      Same here.

      I used to err in the direction of not buying impulsively, but that ended the time I regretted not paying to climb to the top of the Arc d’ Triomphe when I had the chance. (Now I err in both directions about equally.)

      I’ve also learned not to avoid new financial tools–I’m not a first adopter of most things, but I’ve learned that new money things can give the biggest rewards to first adopters (check out, for example, the history of the fixed interest rate on I-bonds). So I do wait until reviews come out, but if those reviews are good, I jump (online high interest savings accounts, Target RedCard).

      I am a little cold and calculating, but no one realizes it because I’m also friendly and sympathetic.

      The only wrong thing is that I find it very easy to share financial info with family and friends.

    2. J. Money June 5, 2015 at 10:59 AM

      Y’all seem to have the *perfect* personality for finances, haha… Pretty much the opposite of me and my Storyteller ways ;) Thanks for sharing.

  3. Alicia June 5, 2015 at 8:04 AM

    Here’s mine:


    As The Spark, you might worry about your ability to effectively manage your social life, as well as your finances. You’re no stranger to anxiety, and you have a tendency to make sure everyone around you knows it. You also worry about how your choices will affect every aspect of your life. This may be stressful, but it can help you make less risky choices. You have a tendency to lose your temper when things don’t go as you predicted, but that passion helps you avoid settling for second best.

    Financial Habits of The Spark
    Tends to make impulse purchases here or there
    Might binge shop, quickly buying one thing after another
    Can allow emotions to influence spending
    Doesn’t always stay on top of finances
    Listens to suggestions and positive criticism about spending patterns
    Finds great deals

    1. J. Money June 5, 2015 at 10:59 AM

      yikes! I hope it’s mostly wrong for you! :)

  4. Trinnie June 5, 2015 at 8:14 AM

    yup… I’m a storyteller, too!! it’s totally about 90-95% spot on… the only only part I kinda disagree with is “you can have some trouble forming long-term relationships.” I actually thrive on making short-term relationships into long-term. hmmm.. but everything else, to quote Marisa Tomei in My Cousin Vinny was “dead on balls accurate.” :)

    1. J. Money June 5, 2015 at 11:01 AM

      They should have added a “your personality is compatible with other Story Tellers (or “Sparks” “Rocks” etc). Would be cool to see how we all engage with each other. Though we already know you and I do since we’ve chilled in real life before – woo! How us Storytellers much prefer it :)

  5. Michelle June 5, 2015 at 8:20 AM

    That was fun! I got the Adventurer. It’s pretty bang on to who I am personally and financially.


    As The Adventurer, you’re happiest when you’re learning and discovering something new. You’re always studying, innovating, and creating new things. You strive to solve old problems with new answers and are always open to new ideas. You approach life with a very “I’ll try anything once” mentality. Starting new projects is great, but can have trouble following them through to completion. Some people may not follow your life approach, but you always take criticism lightly because you never stop believing in yourself.
    Financial Habits of The Adventurer

    Willing to try new, innovative financial tools
    Seeks new ways to change habits and curb spending
    Tends to make risky career and financial choices
    Takes on new opportunities and tends to overspend on new experiences
    Financial planning is not a priority and can easily stray from a budget
    Stays calm when dealing with financial issues

    1. J. Money June 5, 2015 at 11:03 AM

      That’s an interesting concoction actually. The others seem to be geared towards being HORRIBLE w/ finances/life, and then AWESOME with money and life. And yours is a cool mixture :)

  6. Kristy June 5, 2015 at 8:22 AM

    Wow. I think mine is right on the money!


    As The Guardian, you’re as predictable and dedicated in your social life as you are in your finances. You’re a down-to-earth creature of habit, with routines you love. Why try new things if you already know what you like? Breaking the rules brings too much uncertainty and stress. You follow directions to the letter and always accomplish your goals with a focused energy.
    Financial Habits of The Guardian

    Avoids impulsive spending
    Doesn’t reach out to others for help or support for financial issues
    Actively analyzes their own finances and keeps a strict budget
    Doesn’t break from habits or plans
    Tends to avoid high risks, no matter the rewards
    Avoids new tools and strategies for financial planning
    Builds strong support systems to prepare for unexpected events

    1. J. Money June 5, 2015 at 11:04 AM

      Nice!! Great set of qualities too for the most part!

  7. Elise @ Simply Scaled Down June 5, 2015 at 8:59 AM

    I’m a rock :) It’s pretty accurate on how I view and spend money, but personality wise I’m going to say I’m not quite so cold and calculating as it says I am (I mean, if my feelings are a little hurt I can’t be too cold…right? Ha!). But this was an excellent way to spend a few minutes between wrestling markers away from a 1 year old and chasing a naked 4 year old around the house.

    1. J. Money June 5, 2015 at 11:06 AM

      hahahah…. yeah, I got a late start this morning too. I got caught on a cartoon network show with my 2 y/o and couldn’t get back to the computer, haha… some of those shows are hilarious!

  8. Lisa O June 5, 2015 at 9:35 AM

    That was actually pretty fun for a Friday morning. I am “The Guardian” and I feel that is me to the tee. Conventional, patient, down to earth but not only in my financial life but most parts of my life!

    1. J. Money June 5, 2015 at 11:19 AM

      Sounds like a good place to be :)

  9. Kalie June 5, 2015 at 9:51 AM

    That’s great that you’ve fought your natural tendencies, changed, and taught others what you’ve learned. Those who are naturally more financially conservative might not have the same passion for sharing those lessons so it’s cool how you’ve used that strength.

  10. Kent June 5, 2015 at 9:57 AM

    As The Rock, you bring a stalwart and stable attitude to both your social life and your finances. You keep a level head no matter the situation. Your friends and family count on you to lead by example. You don’t get riled up easily and don’t jump into situations without first thinking through the short and long term results of your actions. Some people may call you cold and calculating, but they don’t really know you. You passionately stick up for those close to you, but you simply aren’t controlled by your emotions.
    Financial Habits of The Rock
    • Rarely buys impulsively
    • Doesn’t let emotions affect their financial decisions
    • Comes back quickly from financial losses
    • Avoids new financial tools or methods to handling finances
    • May find it difficult to share financial information with family and friends
    • Able to think of creative ideas to solve future financial issues

  11. Hannah June 5, 2015 at 10:18 AM

    I’m a story teller too! The only thing is, I hardly ever do impulse purchases, but I hate researching products/prices which is why I like that Paribus app so much!

    Also, the going with the first idea isn’t quite right. I go with the first idea that I like a lot, even if there are other good options too.

    1. J. Money June 5, 2015 at 11:20 AM

      Oh nice! Has Paribus saved you much yet? I need to do more shopping for it to get me $$ haha…

      1. Hannah June 5, 2015 at 1:32 PM

        My husband got a dollar (well almost a dollar), when the price of the dishwashing basket we used on Amazon dropped. If Lowe’s or Home Depot would get added, I know I would be saving a bundle these days!

        1. J. Money June 8, 2015 at 10:33 AM

          HAH! I’ll have to nudge them about that ;)

  12. Cait Flanders June 5, 2015 at 10:57 AM

    I’m the Architect! Freaking nailed it too, haha.

    As The Architect, blueprints, lists, and organization are your calling cards. There’s a place for everything in your life. Your keys have a bowl, and your shoes have a rack. The hangers in your closet are color coded for the seasons. You’re a problem solver who never quits on projects until they’re done. Friends count on you for planning fun events and trips. And sure, it would be nice if someone else took the reins once in a while, but you, and everyone else, know they wouldn’t meet your established standards.

    Financial Habits of The Architect:
    • Finds financial planning fun and understands financial issues
    • Very aware of finances and knows credit score
    • Can stress too much about the little details of their finances
    • Watches their finances closely to catch mistakes – doesn’t miss due dates
    • Always gets the best prices, rates, and terms
    • Can insist that family and friends share their way of thinking

    1. J. Money June 5, 2015 at 11:23 AM

      HAH! Look at that! I wonder if Minimalists are naturally Architects? It would be cool to have the top 10 people of all types of genres online take this to see if there’s some major clumps going on… You would normally think that *anyone* can be a minimalist if they wanted to, but I bet our personalities help or hurt us a lot in that regard.

    2. Mel June 5, 2015 at 12:17 PM

      I got the Architect, too! While it’s fairly accurate, I was sort of shocked to see it. Even down to the color coded closet. I’ve been trying to hand off weekly bill paying to my husband for a while now and I just haven’t made the transition yet.

      And we are borderline minimalists to boot! Can I now call myself “part of the 15%”? I think that sounds kind of awesome…

    3. Kat June 5, 2015 at 4:33 PM

      Similar to Cait – I’m an architect. Hits the mark quite well.

  13. Jules June 5, 2015 at 11:03 AM

    I am a “contrarian” with only 7% of the population as such. My financial personality was described like this:

    ·Doesn’t reach out for or listen to other’s help and support in financial issues
    ·Actively analyzes and tracks finances
    ·Willing to go outside their comfort zone to get the best prices
    ·Doesn’t spend impulsively and avoids peer, social, and environmental factors that can increase spending
    ·Doesn’t fully trust others to manage their money
    ·Sees the long-term outcomes of their current spending

    That pretty much fits me. I am VERY independent but maybe a little too independent.

    1. J. Money June 8, 2015 at 10:34 AM

      I think it’s always best not to trust other people with your money though! That’s what gets a lot of them (esp celebrities/sports stars) in trouble.

  14. Liz June 5, 2015 at 11:04 AM

    Seems accurate to me!

    The Guardian
    ConventionalPatientDown-to-Earth 14% in america are The Guardian

    As The Guardian, you’re as predictable and dedicated in your social life as you are in your finances. You’re a down-to-earth creature of habit, with routines you love. Why try new things if you already know what you like? Breaking the rules brings too much uncertainty and stress. You follow directions to the letter and always accomplish your goals with a focused energy.
    Financial Habits of The Guardian

    Avoids impulsive spending
    Doesn’t reach out to others for help or support for financial issues
    Actively analyzes their own finances and keeps a strict budget
    Doesn’t break from habits or plans
    Tends to avoid high risks, no matter the rewards
    Avoids new tools and strategies for financial planning
    Builds strong support systems to prepare for unexpected events

  15. S L June 5, 2015 at 11:42 AM

    Wow — all the repeats and I am the first Ambassador. Yeah, it gels…

    The Ambassador
    Trusting·Compatible·Good-natured friend·6% in america are The Ambassador

    As The Ambassador, you bring a trusting and helpful attitude to both your social life and finances. Because you value your relationships above anything else, your friends count on you, and you’re the person practically everyone lists as their emergency contact. You think the best of other people and always give them the benefit of the doubt. You don’t seek to lead groups, but pride yourself on your ability to excel when supporting each member to achieve their goal.

    Financial Habits of The Ambassador
    ·Always willing to financially help friends, family, or strangers — definitely, but I make sure I can afford to lose that amount.
    ·Gives into peer pressure to spend more — not any more, long long time ago though – yeah… not keeping up with the Jones’ — rather, spousal pressure.
    ·Not afraid to reach out to others for help or support for financial issues — oh heck no… I don’t reach out for support usually. Has to be big to think that way.
    ·Doesn’t focus deeply on personal finances or the long term effects of spending — working on this one.
    ·Doesn’t ask to be paid back when lending money to friends and family — see the first. Assume it is a gift and pleasantly surprised if I get it back.
    ·Takes prices at face value and doesn’t hunt down deals — depends on where I shop. Got a hella deal bargaining down the seller on a gorgeous corner curio lately :D

    1. J. Money June 8, 2015 at 10:37 AM

      Corner curio!!! I love the sound of that. And sounds like your personality is a damn good one. Good to keep friends/family first and not always be about that $$$$ :)

  16. Kim@Eyesonthedollar June 5, 2015 at 12:17 PM

    I am the Oasis


    As The Oasis, you keep your social life locked up as tight as your finances. You stay to yourself and prefer alone time to big social gatherings. You enjoy getting together with your close-knit group of friends, but shy away from people you don’t know. Your friends might say you’re quiet and deliberate because you don’t speak much, but when you do, it always benefits the conversation. You never speak to hear your own voice.

    That pretty much sums up my personality. Probably the opposite of the storyteller!

    1. J. Money June 8, 2015 at 10:38 AM

      Haha… except for blogging! You put it all out there with $$ :)

  17. Kayleigh Jade June 5, 2015 at 12:19 PM

    My answer: KNOW YOURSELF

    As The Oasis, you keep your social life locked up as tight as your finances. You stay to yourself and prefer alone time to big social gatherings. You enjoy getting together with your close-knit group of friends, but shy away from people you don’t know. Your friends might say you’re quiet and deliberate because you don’t speak much, but when you do, it always benefits the conversation. You never speak to hear your own voice.
    Financial Habits of The Oasis

    Doesn’t spend impulsively
    Doesn’t reach out to others for help or support for financial issues
    Thinks of creative ideas to solve financial issues
    Knows about their current finances, but won’t keep a budget
    Reads all the fine print
    Hunts down great deals

    A couple comments… not in America so the % is inapplicable. Regarding the list… I do, often, spend impulsively. I don’t think of creative ideas to solve financial issues or read all the fine print because its not important to me. As for the rest of it… Dead on!

    1. J. Money June 8, 2015 at 10:39 AM

      Where are you typing from in the world? :)

  18. Sylvia @Professional Girl June 5, 2015 at 2:06 PM

    I’m The Storyteller too!! I agree with it 100%. Especially because I tend to talk a lot and need to practice active listening. The financial habits for the storyteller are accurate too.

  19. EL June 5, 2015 at 4:07 PM

    I got the Oasis and it is partially right, well maybe 93% right. But I am more fun than what it describes me as darn it. I think I have a great balance of reserved and social personality traits. By the way an Oasis isn’t that considered like a paradise location. Well I want to live there asap.

  20. Christine @ The Pursuit of Green June 5, 2015 at 4:53 PM

    Here goes!

    As The Architect, blueprints, lists, and organization are your calling cards. There’s a place for everything in your life. Your keys have a bowl, and your shoes have a rack. The hangers in your closet are color coded for the seasons. You’re a problem solver who never quits on projects until they’re done. Friends count on you for planning fun events and trips. And sure, it would be nice if someone else took the reins once in a while, but you, and everyone else, know they wouldn’t meet your established standards.

    Financial Habits of The Architect
    -Finds financial planning fun and understands financial issues
    -Very aware of finances and knows credit score
    -Can stress too much about the little details of their finances
    -Watches their finances closely to catch mistakes – doesn’t miss due dates
    -Always gets the best prices, rates, and terms
    Can insist that family and friends share their way of thinking

    Yep…that’s me.

    1. J. Money June 8, 2015 at 10:40 AM

      I love the “color coded for the seasons” line, haha.. I’d never heard of that before. Good idea actually!

    2. Debbi June 15, 2015 at 9:37 PM

      Me too, I’m the Architect & have a color coded wardrobe! The hangers are all the same though (cedar). I put all the white shirts together, the blue together, the red together, etc. I’m not a minimalist but have very little clutter. My pantry & linen closet are completely organized too, LOL you can imagine the comments from friends. I’ve no idea where this came from as no one else in my family is anything like this!

  21. Yana June 5, 2015 at 5:43 PM

    I like that – I’m The Oasis. And it seems to fit me.

  22. April June 5, 2015 at 6:33 PM

    I got Oasis. Funny, I’m always telling the kids at school, “I don’t talk just for fun!” A couple of these descriptions made me laugh out loud with the accuracy. “Knows about their current finances, but won’t keep a budget.” It’s crazy how accurate this was. And then I wonder if I went back and changed some answers to more or less, would it change the result?

    1. J. Money June 8, 2015 at 10:41 AM

      “I don’t just talk for fun” – HAH! I do! I’d love to get paid to just talk all day long, haha…

      Once I found out that the quiz was made by the guy from eHarmony it didn’t surprise me how accurate it was anymore :) That guy’s a pimp!

  23. Gene Roberts June 5, 2015 at 7:50 PM

    I got the Architect.

    Spot on, except for the color coded hangers in the closet – NOT! :)

  24. Kayla @ Femme Frugality June 5, 2015 at 9:55 PM

    What an interesting quiz. It was right on about me. :)


    As The Spark, you might worry about your ability to effectively manage your social life, as well as your finances. You’re no stranger to anxiety, and you have a tendency to make sure everyone around you knows it. You also worry about how your choices will affect every aspect of your life. This may be stressful, but it can help you make less risky choices. You have a tendency to lose your temper when things don’t go as you predicted, but that passion helps you avoid settling for second best.
    Financial Habits of The Spark

    Tends to make impulse purchases here or there
    Might binge shop, quickly buying one thing after another
    Can allow emotions to influence spending
    Doesn’t always stay on top of finances
    Listens to suggestions and positive criticism about spending patterns
    Finds great deals

    1. J. Money June 8, 2015 at 10:42 AM

      I’m glad you can find great deals from all that impulse shopping! Haha…

  25. AD June 6, 2015 at 8:40 AM

    I got the Oasis.
    -Doesn’t spend impulsively
    -Doesn’t reach out to others for help or support for financial issues
    -Thinks of creative ideas to solve financial issues
    -Knows about their current finances, but won’t keep a budget
    -Reads all the fine print
    -Hunts down great deals

    I’m shocked at the accuracy of those statements. I wasn’t expecting that from such a short quiz.

  26. Amanda June 6, 2015 at 3:01 PM

    Interesting result. Not exactly accurate, but it rings true to the type of attitude I’m trying to adopt. I definitely still have a problem dwelling on the past instead of moving on. I used to agonize over perfection and procrastinate and not complete many things. But lately I have been getting better at dealing with everything as it comes and prioritizing speed. “Touch every paper once” is my mantra at work now. haha Doesn’t always work out that way, but I try not to allow interruptions and to focus on one task at a time until completion. The parallel between the road less traveled in finances and my social life is interesting and definitely true as well. I’ve always been a bit of an oddball on both counts. haha

    The Free Spirit
    FlexibleLaid-backVisionary 9% in america are The Free Spirit

    As The Free Spirit, you tend to choose the road less traveled in both your social life and finances. You focus on getting things done quickly, rather than getting them done perfectly. Multi-tasking is your forte, and you thrive in chaos. You buck routine, always getting restless if you’re doing the same thing day in and day out. You’re spontaneous and unpredictable, which makes you a great date, but not always great in relationships. But you’re okay with that. You can easily shrug things off and move on with your life.
    Financial Habits of The Free Spirit

    Not prone to stress out about financial issues and willing to take risks
    Can miss errors on their finances and be forgetful about bills, fees, and debts
    Gives everyone’s financial opinions their due, never placing their personal opinions higher than others
    Willing to go against the grain when making investments with high rewards
    Stays optimistic and believes that everything will work out financially

    1. J. Money June 8, 2015 at 10:43 AM

      Oooh haven’t seen this one yet! You seem fun as hell to hang out with :)

  27. Karl June 6, 2015 at 8:44 PM

    The Guardian – I think this aligns well with me. As a side note, I think my MBTI type is within the Guardian temperament.

  28. Richard C. June 7, 2015 at 12:10 PM

    The rock! Sounds very close to my personality. I go and buy stuff I need only after careful calculating and decision making. I wonder if my personality was different in my 20’s. I’m sure the free spirit is the hardest one to save money.

  29. maria@moneyprinciple June 8, 2015 at 1:55 AM

    Jay, I’m an Adventurer (as if we didn’t all know this already :)). One habit concerns me a bit: ‘Financial planning is not a priority and can stray easily from a budget’. True but probably need to moderate a bit.

    1. J. Money June 8, 2015 at 10:45 AM

      At least it’s not as scary going off budget when you’re a few years from retirement :) You can afford such luxuries of not sticking to it 100%! You’re awesome with your money!

  30. Marc June 9, 2015 at 9:10 AM

    I got the rock too. Can’t say that I’m surprised! I agree with most, especially being “able to think of creative ideas to solve future financial issues.” I’d have to disagree with “avoids new financial tools or methods to handling finances.” I try anything I can such as Acorns, Betterment, LendingClub, etc.

    1. J. Money June 9, 2015 at 9:31 PM

      You’re a more rounded Rock (see what I did there? :))

      1. Marc June 10, 2015 at 2:25 PM

        Well played, sir. Well played!

  31. Tara June 9, 2015 at 4:01 PM

    The Contrarian
    IndependentConfidentNon-conformist 7% in america are The Contrarian

    As The Contrarian, you bring a blunt and independent approach to your social life and finances. You know what you like, and it’s going to be hard to change your mind. You’re very set in your ways and don’t follow trends simply because you see everyone else doing it. Your firm independence isn’t unlikeable though. Your friends appreciate your quick and biting wit and your ability to stand strong in support of your beliefs. You like playing devil’s advocate, and that earns you as much respect as it does criticism. But you wouldn’t have it any other way.
    Financial Habits of The Contrarian

    Doesn’t reach out for or listen to other’s help and support in financial issues
    Actively analyzes and tracks finances
    Willing to go outside their comfort zone to get the best prices
    Doesn’t spend impulsively and avoids peer, social, and environmental factors that can increase spending
    Doesn’t fully trust others to manage their money
    Sees the long-term outcomes of their current spending

    Hahaha — I wish i were this self sufficient, but rings pretty true.

  32. Ruby June 10, 2015 at 10:41 PM

    Also got the Contrarian too – I asked my fiance if that’s really me and yes, it fits me to a T.
    I’m a non-conformist through and through, and I never trust anybody else with my money.
    Oh, and not to mention the long term outcome of the current spending thing – where I’m working to get FI or spend because it is 1) a thing I’m going to need and there’s a really really good deal available on it or 2) what I feel is a good investment

    Thanks for sharing this quiz!

    1. Free to Pursue June 11, 2015 at 12:03 PM

      Ditto on that.

      BTW: Based on J$’s update, we’re at at least 11% of the total, not the 7% Contrarian the result info suggests…hmmm. Oh, wait, am I displaying a contrarian trait?

  33. middle class June 12, 2015 at 12:13 PM

    Just took the quiz. I’m an Oasis, which seems pretty much dead-on!
    Doesn’t spend impulsively – TRUE
    Doesn’t reach out to others for help or support for financial issues – TRUE
    Thinks of creative ideas to solve financial issues – TRUE
    Knows about their current finances, but won’t keep a budget – I’m finally tracking my spending but I still don’t maintain a budget.
    Reads all the fine print – PRETTY MUCH TRUE
    Hunts down great deals – YES!

  34. Mindy R June 21, 2015 at 10:46 PM

    I got Free Spirit!! I was a little skeptical at first but after reading the description it was pretty dead on…and further confirms that I MUST get out of this Monday through Friday, 9 to 5 crap.

    1. J. Money June 22, 2015 at 10:44 AM

      Time to get that hustle on!

      (But don’t make the mistake of quitting before you have something lined up like some people I know… a job is much better than no job, haha…)

  35. Natalya @ Cottage Retreatist October 18, 2015 at 5:22 AM

    What a great survey – bit late coming to this one but I got Adventurer!!!

    Certainly some truths in this one:

    Financial Habits of The Adventurer

    Willing to try new, innovative financial tools
    Seeks new ways to change habits and curb spending
    Tends to make risky career and financial choices
    Takes on new opportunities and tends to overspend on new experiences
    Financial planning is not a priority and can easily stray from a budget
    Stays calm when dealing with financial issues

    except overspending on new experiences – i don’t do that!! :) but i can definitely stray from a budget!!!

    Thanks for the quiz – very interesting!
    Natalya x

    1. J. Money October 21, 2015 at 6:36 AM

      Thanks for jumping in, Natalya!

  36. Jenna April 20, 2016 at 1:57 PM

    Free Spirit. Pretty much nailed it. Linked to this from your update on their Stress Article – which was also eye opening. Thanks! Always, Jenna

    1. J. Money April 21, 2016 at 11:13 AM

      Rock on – glad you enjoyed! Being a free spirit sounds relaxing :)