I have a weird new habit guys, and I’m going to tell you all about it because my wife can’t stand hearing about it anymore…
Browsing Category Life
10 Years of Budgets Are Sexy :)
Here’s something crazy – as of today, I’ve been blogging for over 25% of my life! 10 years of blogging, building, experimenting, community, friends, exploration,…
“American Ninja Warrior Changed My Life”
Okay, so I’m sitting next to someone at Starbucks right now that just inspired the crap out of me. She asked me if I worked…
Net Worth Update: $840,243.99 (+$37,000)
Happy Net Worth Day! As I was updating our numbers this month, it dawned on me that I have now tracked my net worth every…
A Different Type of Identity Theft
[Hey guys! Caught this article on a newer blog on the scene, FiredandFree.com, and just HAD to re-share it because it’s so thought-provoking! Really makes…
Is It Time For a “Depth” Year?
Guys, you HAVE to read this post by my friend David Cain – it’s so good!! And EXACTLY the stuff we need to be thinking…
A List of The Most Popular Money Problems From Our Community + Side Hustles. We’re Def. Not Alone In This!
So I just spent two hours tracking allllll the entries that came in from our journal giveaway the other week (winners announced in a second),…
The Legacy, and Money, of Dr. Martin Luther King [And The “Freedom Budget” For All Americans]
“There is nothing in all the world greater than freedom. It is worth paying for; it is worth losing a job for; it is worth…
Science Has Finally Proven It: Budgets Are Sexy!
Taking a break from all the heart pouring lately, and moving on to some financial sexiness today… With special attention on the latter ;) Check…
My Resume of Failures
Remember when that “CV of Failures” went viral last year? Where a Princeton professor (Johannes Haushofer) decided to share all his scholastic fails to better…