Hiyo heyo! Sitting here with my son this morning as he inexplicably has the day off from school, so rather than regale you with another…
Browsing Category Life
Does Capitalism Actually Create a “Numbers-Driven” Life?
Heyo!! Found another interesting email in my inbox this morning, and even though I had to re-read it twice just to make sure I understood…
What Would You Do For a 10% Raise? (Plus a half dozen other “Would You Rathers!”)
Came across this ridiculous study by LendEDU but can’t stop looking at it, haha… They asked 1,200 employed Americans a series of “would you rather”…
If You Want FREE Money Coaching – Read This Post :)
We interrupt our regularly schedule programming to bring you two pieces of news today: In case you didn’t know, it’s Financial Literacy Month! Be sure…
“I’m Semi-Retiring at 43!”
Got another fun email for ya today! Got me grinning from ear to ear over here, and hopefully it inspires you to get out there…
What Do You Want More of Right Now?
What do you want more of right now? Sex Beer Sleep Money? I was curious the other day, so I decided to poll my Twitter…
“You might get a kick out of our recent financial journey”
Morning! Been emailing with a new reader of this blog, and in the middle of it he shot me his entire financial/career life story which…
#Overheard At The Coffee Shop: Volume IV
Welcome to another edition of me “accidentally” hearing other people’s conversations! And then them “mysteriously” landing on this blog here! You know what they say…
How a Journal Completely Changed My Finances
[Oh do I have a good story for you guys today!! I hope you like long-form posts, because my man Ryland from TheHiddenGreen.com stops by…
When Your Landlord Kicks You Out of Your House…
So we just had an exciting week! After multiple confirmations over the months that we can continue to rent our house until the end of…