[Heyo! Got another killer guest post lined up for y’all today, this time from long-time reader JW who now has a blog of his own…
Browsing Category Family Finance
Why Women Should Always Have Their Own Stash
[Happy Friday y’all! Got a guest article today from my girl Pauline of ReachFinancialIndependence.com and InvestmentZen.com who’s super passionate about ALL women having their own…
Dear Wife, Here’s How to Spend My Life Insurance Money When I’m Gone!
You know what’s awesome? Dreaming about all the things you’d do if you won the lottery :) You know what’s kinda-sorta-but-not-really ALSO awesome? Dreaming up…
11 Awesome Money Ideas
‘Sup money lovers? My “awesome ideas” folder is piling up over here, so I thought I’d release some of them on you today to help…
Are Your Friends Worth $100,000 to You??
Every now and then I type “How to stay happy?” into Google looking for some good tips. I’m naturally a pretty cheerful guy, but like…
How a Spreadsheet Changed My Life
[Hey guys! Out at the beach this week, but as promised I’ve got a handful of killer guest articles for you starting with this one…
We Won’t Be Homeless Next Month!
After 3 weeks of research, 2 day trips of scouting around, and 1 thwarted scam* later, we finally have ourselves a new home :) And…
We’re About to Be DIKS! (Hubba Hubba)
10 years ago we used to be DINKS (Dual Income No Kids). Then my wife decided to grab a couple extra degrees (a Masters, leading…
That Time I Borrowed $14,000… Then Gave it Right Back
For those of you on pins and needles just waiting for an update on that $14,000 Mom & Dad Loan dilemma, (you know who you…
Would You Take a Loan From Your Parents?
Hypothetically, let’s say there’s this guy you know who just dropped $14,000 to get rid of his house so he can be mortgage-free, but due…