So I just came to a pretty shocking realization this morning: This is the first time in my life where I’ve been 100% completely debt-free…
Browsing Category Debt
Are You Financially Average?
Mornin’ mornin’! So last week we went over 15 great financial goals to hit if you wanted to be ABOVE average in this wacko world…
What It’s Like Living In a Tent, Car, and Now Sailboat!
[Remember last week when we asked how far you’d go to pay off your debt? Well, our guest today, Kristin from The Wayward Home, chose…
A Checklist of 15 Financial Goals To Hit
Hump Dayyyyyyy! Came across this financial checklist over at Personal Finance Junkie this morning (how good is that name?) and thought it would be fun…
How Far Would You Go To Pay Off Debt?
Are you willing to get rid of all your things? Move back in with your parents? Sell your car? How about give up a left…
10 #Money Tips For Ya
Y’all asked for more real-life stories like our #money motivations from last week, so today we deliver up another plate full :) Only this time…
Why I Don’t Fret About Debt
[As part of our weekly column by Mr. 1500 of – a fellow blogger who retired at 43!] ****** So, I’m financially independent and no longer work,…
Financial Confessional: “I Was a Check-Bouncing, Collector-Dodging Accountant!”
[Welcome to a new post in our Financial Confession Series :) Up today, Christine Luken who went from financial mess to financial coach! Whip out…
$20 Does The Trick!
I’ve caught myself offering the same advice lately, anytime someone asks me whether they should pay off their debts or start saving for an emergency…
What My Ridiculous Parents Taught Me About Money
[Please welcome one half of the duo from today, as Jack spills his heart here on all things financial he learned from growing up…