What up, what up money lovers! If you have a credit card you’ll want to read through this post today. If you don’t, you’ll have…
Browsing Category Credit Cards
My past blog posts relating to credit cards :)
Why I’m Crushing on Credit Karma (And My Challenge To You)
What up finance nerds! Who’s ready to get into some credit score action today? Who wants to try and dethrone me off the highest score…
This Just In: Credit Card Debt is the Most Embarrassing Kind of Debt There Is
I know what you’re thinking right now, “Credit card debt??? I had no idea! I thought medical debt – or at least student loans –…
What If You Could See *DEBT* Like You Could Snow?
Well, it’s the day of the Snowpocalypse here on the East Coast, and if estimates are correct it’ll be one of the biggest storms to…
The World Record For Most Credit Cards Owned: 1,497!
This is the craziest story you’ll read all week: Man Has 1,497 Credit Cards via ABC News 1,497! Can you imagine? With a credit line…
How To Get Rich, According to Mark Cuban
In 2008, billionaire entrepreneur Mark Cuban wrote a post on how to get rich. In 2011, this same billionaire re-posted it again as the economy…
11 Credit Myths (and Some Tricks I’ve Used to Increase My Score)
Good morning friends! If you think credit is sexy, you’re gonna love today’s post. And if you don’t, well, you’re going to be convinced by…
LaBeouf, Reality Shows, and The First Ever Credit Card
“If you want to be broke, do broke people stuff. If you want to be rich, do rich people stuff.” – Chris Peach Gooooooood morning…
4 Memories That Impacted My Finances the Most
One of the beauties of running Rockstar Finance is that I get to see a ton of cool ways to talk about money that doesn’t…
When was the last time you checked your Credit Score?
Up until today, it was 1 year and 10 months for me. But then I logged into USAA as I usually do most mornings (a…