INSIDE: Added up a bunch of the best finance and money memes around savings, debt, student loans, income, being rich, being broke, and more. Enjoy!…
Browsing Category Cockamamy Indeed
How I got scammed by p2b fraudsters – and how we’re fighting back
[Hey guys! Got a note from a reader of the blog living out in Italy and dealing with an investment mess right now (amongst other…
Would you ever bank with Amazon, Facebook or Google?
Caught this stat the other day and thought I’d get your opinion of it ;) 58% of Millennials would consider banking with Amazon, Facebook or…
Stats That Would Make Our Founding Fathers Cringe
Happy Presidents Day! Here are a bunch of financial stats I’ve been saving up that would shock our founding fathers right up from out of…
Financial Stats Bomb!
Just got a note about TD Bank’s 4th annual “Love and Money” survey, and it reminded me we haven’t done a good Stats Bombing around…
Stop The #HouseShaming, People!
Last week, 3 different people emailed me asking for advice because they keep getting pressured by friends and family (especially family) *to buy a home*…
What My Ridiculous Parents Taught Me About Money
[Please welcome one half of the duo from today, as Jack spills his heart here on all things financial he learned from growing up…
Sneaky Credit Card Penalties!
Went in to pay my AMEX card as I usually do each month (on time), and saw this gem of a notice highlighted in my…
Beware of STDs (Sexually Transmitted Debt)
This is a quick note to remind us that not everything goes to plan – even when you do hit FIRE!! (Left in the comment…
Let’s Bring the $2.00 Bill Back!!
When it comes to cash, I’m an equal opportunity owner. I have $10 bills, $5 bills, $20 bills, and of course many many $1.00 bills….