“What do you put in your hair to keep it up?” – the barista asked after ordering my daily latte. “Just hairspray! And then I…
Daily Happiness > Future Happiness
Good morning! If you’ve found yourself in a continual loop of obsessing about the future lately, STOP IT!! Do not wish your days away! Today…
The Magic of Habit Stacking ✨
Do you have cats? Cats that like to poo outside their litter box to remind you who’s boss? I have one of those, and until…
The Financial Dummy of The Week Award 🏆
Good morning!! Have you messed up at all with your money lately?! I have – 3 times already this week and it’s not even over!…
7 Money Tips From Mark Cuban
Caught these tips off Twitter and thought it would be fun to see how many of these we can check off ;) I’ll go first……
Great New Book on The Scene (Giving Away 2 Copies!)
There’s a fantastic new book dropping on the scene next week and I have two copies to give away to you today! It comes from…
What about all the FUN debt gave you?
This is going to sound weird or stupid, but isn’t *going into* debt so much fun???! Like, don’t we enjoy spending money on stuff we…
From Debt to FIRE’d and Building Out a Dream Gym 🔥
Good morning! Got a great guest post for y’all today by a long-time reader of the blog, Adam, who I once had lunch with back…
A Diamond Doesn’t Shine at The Bottom of a Cave 💎
Good morning! I have a story to share with you today that I stole from our good friend Joel :) See if you can catch…
Create Unexpected Joy 🤍
Goooooood morning my beautiful and overly intelligent budgeters! I hope your pockets – and hearts – are full today, and you’re ready to do something…