INSIDE: What does net worth include? Should it include pensions? Art? Insurance? Your house? What about cats, stock options, cars, jewelry, baseball cards? Here’s what…
Browsing Category Taxes
My Top 7 Disagreements With Personal Finance Experts
[Hey guys! Have a feisty one for you today from fellow blogger ERN at Some of these you may disagree with, as do I…
ZOMGGGG… Getting $11,000 Back in Taxes!!
$11,706 to be exact. And no, this is not an April Fool’s joke ;) (I was going to pretend I sold this blog for a…
$47,150.29 – The Total Spent on Our House Last Year
I write today’s post with both disgust, and relief. Disgust because we shelled out over forty-seven THOUSAND freakin’ dollars on our house last year (!!!),…
The Only Good Thing About Losing Income
You pay much less in taxes :) It’s been an interesting ride here the past 4 months in the Money household… We’ve gone from an…
Help A Reader: Buy a House to Prevent Uncle Sam?
Got an interesting email over the weekend, and thought you’d enjoy reading and chiming in :) Can’t say I’ve heard of this one as a…
In Which I Forget To Pay My Taxes…
Just when I thought I was a pimp with my taxes, I go and do something stupid like *not* paying them. I’m such a dummy!!…
Spend $25,000 to Save $9,000?
I finally got my act together and sat with my account for tax stuff! And MAN does that always feel so good – regardless of…
Don’t Tax Me, Bro!
Haha… whatever happened to that guy? One minute you’re getting tazed and the most popular person around, and the next you’re the butt of everyone’s…
Report Tax Evasion & Get Comped by The IRS?
You really do learn something every day, I’ll tell you what… Remember last week’s guest post on my friend paying cash for a service and…