Do you ever do that to yourself? Go grocery shopping when you’re starving? I fall for it ALL the time and I always want to…
Browsing Category Shopping
I Declare a “Spend Your Gift Cards” Weekend!
Yesterday’s post reminded me that I’ve got a crap ton of gift cards lazying around that need to be spent. And the longer they collect…
Do You Ever Just Miss Shopping?
I walked into the mall for the first time in 6 months and I loved it!!! Unfortunately I was there due to my iPhone getting…
Just because it’s expensive, doesn’t mean it’s good.
While we were out last night celebrating the keeping of our jobs (yay!), we started reminiscing about the glory days of yesteryear. It seems pretty…
It’s True: I Only Shop On Sale
Now I KNOW some of you are with me on this one ;) I only just realized this the other day but MAN is it…
When do you shop? When you’re bored? Happy? Sad? Pissed off? Excited? Because it’s a habit?
Have you ever thought about how much emotions play into our spending habits? Cuz I gotta be honest with you, I’d say that 98% or…
Always have a Wish List handy!
While over at Mrs Micah‘s this weekend migrating BudgetsAreSexy to WordPress (woop woop!) I had noticed a sexy little backup drive purring on her table….
Top 6 Mindless Money Wasters
Do you want to guess what these money wasters are before reading? You probably fall for at least half of them, I know I do…
The $20 Discount that Shouldn’t Have Been.
You know the times when you’ve got something wayyyy cheaper than it should have been? And not because there was a discount, but more like…
The Best Time to Buy Things… (with info-graphic)
On Fridays, it’s beer ;) haha…okay okay, it’s really pizza. BUT, if you were ever wondering when to buy other important things (say, like houses,…