Remember the other month when I caught that extreme couponing special and was shocked outta my wits? And then I blogged about it and we…
Browsing Category Saving Money
A bunch of articles on saving money :) And also the original title of this blog, before I realized it was taken, haha… keep hoarding those dollars!
Who likes Coupons? Who likes $50 Gift Cards?
Not you? Oh okay, then click away… But if you DO like $50 gift cards and/or coupons and/or awesome giveaways from Budgets Are Sexy, then…
When does “bargaining” become “taking advantage of?”
I woke up this morning feeling pretty bad about something. You’re going to laugh your a$$ off when I tell you what it is, but…
Hate clipping coupons? Try these 2 strategies instead.
(Article by S. Denise Hoyle) As an experienced couponer, I consistently save between 70% and 90% on my grocery bill, but couponing isn’t for everyone. …
Help a Reader: Can Saving Money Hurt Financial Aid?
Got an interesting email from a reader asking about financial aid stuff this week, but I couldn’t answer his questions for the life of me…
Hey Savers – It’s Okay to Doubt.
When I was a kid, my mother always told me that if I wanted something really bad that I need to “save up for it.”…
Everything I’m Wearing Right Now I Got on Sale :)
Haha…. does that make me cool? I was literally staring at myself in the mirror this morning (that sounds bad, I know) and realized every…
Extreme Couponing. WOW.
I was switching back and forth between the Packers game and My Strange Addiction on TLC this weekend (which, let me tell you, is really…
Unlimited Movies for $100? Yes Please!
I just overheard a friend say there’s some super deal at the movie theatres right now where you can watch unlimited movies for $100 a…
Tip # 478: Unload your $1 bills every night!
I’ve been doing this on and off over the years, but a recent commenter here reminded me how well this trick works! And it barely…