I’m pretty sure I’ve blogged about this before, but spending more to save more always drives us personal finance bloggers crazy ;) Especially for people…
Browsing Category Saving Money
A bunch of articles on saving money :) And also the original title of this blog, before I realized it was taken, haha… keep hoarding those dollars!
When a Discount, Isn’t Really a Discount.
(Guest Post by Pop) Cairo. City of the living. And home to some of the greatest negotiators on Earth. I visited the city a couple…
13 (Clever) Ways to Save More Money!
I think it’s really funny/cool how we all do things that forces us to save money sometimes. Like we can’t do it without tricking ourselves…
Is a Dream Job worth it if you can’t save any money?
I got asked a question yesterday that kinda stopped me in my tracks. I knew what the answer was right away, but for whatever reason…
Your Mission This Week: Save (or Earn) $50!
Wasn’t sure if you all enjoy these new missions or not, but figured I’d throw out another one and see what happens ;) I’ll probably…
Help a Reader: Student Loans or Savings?
A popular conundrum I get asked a lot (like, every single week) is where to start when you’ve got two major problems going on at…
Keep Your Wallet From a Hangover
(Guest Post by Paula Pant, while J$ is in Cali) It’s no secret that our dear friend J. Money loves beer — he ranks it…
How to Think Like an Extreme Couponer
(Article by Lisa, while J$ is in Cali) It seems I have finally come in to fashion. See, I’ve been couponing since long before couponing…
Get a Tattoo, Save 20% for Life.
HOLY. CRAP. This is the craziest, yet most brilliant, branding strategy yet! Literally! Haha… get a tattoo of your favorite designer and receive 20% off…
I Wanna Discount… I Wanna Discount! [Song]
“Yo it would be nice if I can pay full price, but it’s not so drop me with a discount” Hahahhaa. OMG this is one…