[My buddy Fiona, a.k.a The Millennial Money Woman is a financial ninja! She graduated college debt-free by working 50-plus hour weeks (on top of her…
Browsing Category Saving Money
A bunch of articles on saving money :) And also the original title of this blog, before I realized it was taken, haha… keep hoarding those dollars!
How To Save Money on Heating… and Other Wacky Ideas to Stay Warm!
A news publication reached out to me recently asking for a quote on how to save money on heating costs this winter… So I responded…
How to Save Money on Air Conditioning … and Fun Tips to Stay Cool This Summer
Summer is here! And we’re all looking for ways to stay cool, save money on air conditioning, and have some fun while doing it! If…
“My financial journey began when my father passed away 1.5 yrs ago”
Morning, fam! So we got this entry into our giveaway-palooza last week (winners listed here btw), and after reading it I couldn’t help but pry…
The Lifetime-Net Worth-Simulator
Happy Memorial Day everyone!! While you’re out reflecting and celebrating today, let me suggest another fun (and FREE) activity to include for your enjoyment: Filling…
Did you get a Stimulus Check? What did you end up doing with it?
Saw some stats on how people are using them, and thought it would be interesting to compare with our own community here :) Here’s what…
Budgets are Sexy? Budgets are NECESSARY!
[Morning! My man 5 AM Joel stops by the blog again today to share his recent thoughts on budgeting through these wild times we’re living…
Quarantine check-in and savings, you?
Morning! Here’s a quick corona check-in over here: # of days self-quarantined now: 13 # of people infected in our household: 0 # of days…
A Christian’s Perspective on Debt-Free Living
[Morning! Please welcome to the site today, Larry Thomas, who shares his financial recovery going through Dave Ramsey’s baby steps program. If you can believe…
Do you feel more prepared having lived through 2008?
Caught this stat in my draft folder and it hit me harder re-reading it now than it did in November! From a survey by real…