That was the title of an email I just received from Aimee – a fellow fan of the site. Intrigued (of course) I opened it…
Browsing Category Saving Money
A bunch of articles on saving money :) And also the original title of this blog, before I realized it was taken, haha… keep hoarding those dollars!
No Touchy.
Today we have a quick, but extremely important, public service announcement to share with y’all. And that is: QUIT TOUCHING YOUR MONEY YOU’VE SAVED! All…
The Rule of 72 – By a “Good Looking, But Not Quite Sexy, Budgeter”
We’ve talked about compounding before on this site, most recently with the doubling penny!, but here’s another way to help get it to sink in…
The Exact Amount to Maximize Happiness
I started writing this post over three weeks ago, and right smack in the middle of it I got the call that we were gonna…
The Power of Doing Just *ONE* Thing
As a financial blogger, my job is to share a billion ways to pay off your debt, save your money, maintain a budget, invest your…
A Consumer’s Life in 30 Bullet Points
[We’ve got a killer article for you today by my new friend, A. Noonan Moose, over at I figured it would be much more…
Be Proud of Your Emergency Fund!
I can’t remember where I saw it, but someone recently said they “only” had $1,000 in their Emergency Fund. The first thing I thought when…
12 Months / 12 Income Streams
I have a friend who goes by Whiskeytrail. He’s been a reader of this blog for years now, and every few months he emails me…
My A-Ha Moment: Accumulation
You might have noticed a bunch of A-Ha moments floating around last week as Shannon rocked her Financial Literacy Awareness project. But in typical J….
Sometimes You Gotta Spend Money To Make Money
One of my favorite sayings is “You gotta spend money to make money.” I don’t know why I like it so much considering it’s not…