(Guest post by Laura Adams) Just because I’m a personal finance author doesn’t mean that I’ve never messed up when it comes to money. You…
Browsing Category Money Management
Wealthy People vs Poor People
Happy Friday y’all! Fellow sexy budgets reader, Andy Hausmann, emailed me this gem last night and thought it was too good to pass up. Kinda…
Ahh so THAT’S what it’s called… “Mental Accounting!”
Saw this in Kiplinger Mag and didn’t realize there was a term for it :) I’ve been a poster child for “mental accounting” for the…
Spent $100 in 20 Minutes Yesterday.
Remember how I mentioned not putting yourself into situations last week? Well, I didn’t listen to myself and I came out of the mall $100…
Tip #397: Hide your money from yourself
This is a tip that I never really thought worked, but starting to realize its benefits. I first read about it in my boy Alan…
Remember when gas was like $5/gallon?
And everyone was freaking out and saying it was the death of SUVs and get ready for $10/gallon? Hahahahaha…. Oh man, our society is so…
“Easy For Me to Say”
Every now and then I get told my advice is “easy for me to say” cuz I have a lot of money saved up. Well…
Do you remember the first time you started tracking your money?
I got a comment on last week’s Family CFO post, and it totally reminded me of the first time I sat down to run the…
Why I Can’t Stand J Money’s Net Worth Updates
[This is a guest post by Hank Coleman] It is the first of the month, and you know what that means. Good old, J Money,…
Who is the Family Chief Financial Officer in your house?
[I got this as a press release for a new book coming out, Your Life & Your Money, Putting Your Financial House in Order, and…