It’s quiz time! What type of saver are you? The Magician, The Salt + Pepper, The Rock Star, or The Goalie? Find out below, courtesy…
Browsing Category Money Management
Remember That Each Dollar Serves a Purpose!
Do you know what one of the most popular questions I get asked is? How I got to be so sexy How to make the…
11 Awesome Money Ideas
‘Sup money lovers? My “awesome ideas” folder is piling up over here, so I thought I’d release some of them on you today to help…
Make America “IOU” Free Again!
That was the subject line of a PR email I just got. Which of course I had to click and then copy as my own…
The Declutter Days Are Here! Look How Much of a Bozo I Used to Be…
Today marks the first day of The Weekly Declutter Challenge! Every week we’re sorting through one box or tote or container, until our storage room…
One Minute Goal Setting For Your Finances
“Secondhand books are wild books, homeless books, they have come together in vast flocks of veriegated feather, and have a charm which the domesticated volumes…
How a Spreadsheet Changed My Life
[Hey guys! Out at the beach this week, but as promised I’ve got a handful of killer guest articles for you starting with this one…
The Monk & The Minister
Hey guys! Off house hunting today so dropping a short and sweet one on you this morning :) Which one do you strive to be?…
How Money’s Handled Around The World (Fascinating!)
Heyo! Ever wondered how people save money around the world? Or take out loans/mortgages, get credit scores, pay for college, or even invest in retirement?…
20 Signs You’re Financially Stable (and 20 Signs You’re Not!)
Stumbled across another cool money test and couldn’t pass it up :) My friend Laurie came up with this for, and while it looks…