Two of my favorite things about finance blogs are real numbers and real stories. And today we’re going to share a jam packed mixture of…
Browsing Category Life
Me Gusta Mucho Dinero!
“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work” – Thomas Edison #BAM. Tell ’em Thomas! I’m pretty…
Last Week Today: Coffee, Money, Hustling, Music
Good morning my fiscal friends! How art thee and thine’s money this week? Art thou happy and glee? My friend Lil’ Kim certainly is ;)…
Freedom > Money > Stuff
Print this off and put it in your wallet this week: Freedom > Money > Stuff FREEDOM = Being able to do whatever the hell…
This Week in Money, Business and Overall Bad-Assery
Hey guys! I’m thinking of doing a new series here where I share a bunch of cool/random/interesting stuff that goes down in my world every…
4 Memories That Impacted My Finances the Most
One of the beauties of running Rockstar Finance is that I get to see a ton of cool ways to talk about money that doesn’t…
The 15 Minute Trick to Getting Stuff Done
There’s a beautiful line in the movie We Bought A Zoo that goes like this: You know, sometimes all you need is twenty seconds of…
I’d Rather Be Young
I’ve caught myself thinking something satisfying lately every time I see someone older than me with something I badly desire (paid off house, killer career,…
Are You a Chronic Underearner?
Hey guys! Got an interesting email this morning from a new reader of the site: “Hello J. Money – My name is Zack* and I…
My Answer to All Financial Debates
“What should I do – invest or pay off my mortgage?” “What’s better – paying off debt or building up savings?” “Who’s sexier – you…