Hidey-ho, neighbors! Your boy’s out at FinCon today – our yearly financial blogging conference – so instead of using my brain to conjure up some…
Browsing Category Life
Who handles the $$$ in your household?
Every now and then we receive boxes at our doorsteps, and my sons and I hurry outside to see what new item we’ve got. These…
It’s Not About The Money, It’s About The *Lifestyle*
I don’t know if you caught it, but in our last net worth update I slipped in something pretty nonchalantly that really should have been…
What everyone wants to do before they die!
Hey guys!! So I wasn’t going to blog about the ICE Binder stuff again, but after seeing the explosion of emails and comments from everyone…
Resource of The Month: The ICE Binder!
Remember our post last year on the Legacy Binder idea? Where you put all the important details about your money/life/etc into one main spot in…
35 Mini-Missions To Improve Your Life and Money! ✨
If you love challenges but hate doing the extended ones like we’ve been featuring here lately, you might like today’s ideas better ;) Instead of…
What to Do When You Have Pangs of Spendthriftery
[Hey guys! Welcome back to the site our friend Cubert from AbandonedCubicle.com, who’ll be dishing the dirt on his recent travels, and how he had…
What Money Fixes…
Hey guys! Found this outline in my draft posts to expand upon one day, but after re-reading it I think it speaks pretty well for…
Some Q&A’s: Retiring, Resting, Investing, Coin Collecting!
What up, what up! Been getting a lot of great questions in my inbox lately, so thought I’d showcase a handful of them here in…
What I’ve Learned Getting Rid of *1 Thing* Every Day! (Going on 48 Days Now!)
So we’re now 48 days into our daily decluttering experiment! Woo! And spoiler alert – I’m never stopping :) I get a high every time…