I don’t know why people seem to pass away around the same times, but i don’t like it. One of my neighbors recently left, and…
Browsing Category Insurance
Wedding #8 this year: The Bahamas! (minus travel insurance)
The summer is winding down, but we sure as hell aren’t finished with Wedding Season. You’d think the one we just had on Labor Day…
Home Warranty – To renew, or not to renew?
I’ve been nibbling on this question for the past 3 weeks, and it seems that I still don’t have a 100% sure answer on it…
Life Insurance & Ninjas? Talk about niche marketing…
OMG this is hilarious!!! I’ve seen pics like this around, but NEVER in a million years did i expect to find it in any form…
Today is decicively a Spend Day :)
Although yesterday’s “Zero Spend Day” was a success, i have to admit it took wayyyy too much brain power :) But, mission accomplished and joy…
Me and My Home Warranty
The other day my girl and I were chillaxin’ around the living room when all of a sudden I get a “Honey, why is our…