Every time I think I can forget about my health insurance, something comes up and reminds me all over again how much I despise it. …
Browsing Category Insurance
It’s Time For You To Get A Life… Insurance.
(bah dum-ching) Seriously though, you better have some life insurance ;) Or what I’m gonna call from this point forward, MMLP. “Mo’ Money, Less Problems”…
Why ISN’T There Blog Insurance?
Yesterday we talked all about swapping out a website for a condo, but one area I didn’t get a chance to expand on much was…
Are All Warranties Warrented?
I asked the wife what to blog about today cuz I was out of money ideas (it’s hard coming up with them every day! :)),…
The 7 Most Hated Fees & Price Bumps
I was dozing off to Money magazine last night (cuz it was 3 a.m., not cuz it was boring! haha…) and one of the blurbs…
Get Your Financial $tuff in One Sock!
(Guest Post by Babs Wagner) I’m going in for surgery followed by a 6-week convalescence this month and I believe in the old adage, “plan…
I Finally Got Health Insurance!
Can you believe it? Only a couple weeks since blogging about how stupid I was too – I’m pretty impressed with myself ;) And also…
Health Insurance. Bleh.
If there’s one thing I still haven’t wrapped my head around w/ this whole self-employment stuff yet, it’s health insurance. And for good measure (“good”…
5 For Friday: What Car You Drivin’ Yo?
Let’s talk about cars today. What kinds you’re driving, what kinds of money you’re spending – all that good stuff. It’s been a while since…
State Farm Giveaway: GPS & Road Safety Kit!
There has been no shortage of giveaways lately, but this one is totally AWESOME! Random, but awesome ;) I gotta keep my peeps happy, right? …