Went in to pay my AMEX card as I usually do each month (on time), and saw this gem of a notice highlighted in my…
Browsing Category Debt
“You do not have to worship money to want to have control over it.”
This probably comes off strange right after our post on hiring escorts Friday, but what can I say – we’re an equal opportunity blog here…
Ten Moves That Will Skyrocket Your Net Worth
[My man ESI makes a return today to share his tips on what to REALLY focus on in order to grow our wealth exponentially. You…
“Maybe the life you’ve always wanted is buried under everything you own!”
Got another book recommendation for y’all! The More of Less, by Joshua Becker. Where that headline came from, and which should be the official bumper…
Beware of STDs (Sexually Transmitted Debt)
This is a quick note to remind us that not everything goes to plan – even when you do hit FIRE!! (Left in the comment…
Could You Come Up With $2,000 in An Emergency?
Hey hey! So my plan to hit you with that awesome savings account I hinted at on Monday will have to wait some more (couldn’t…
An Ode to Debt
[Sup y’all! Please enjoy this fun little ditty by resident blogger Lance who likes to stop by any time he thinks we need a quick…
Financial Overheards Round III
Lots of juicy convos going on at Starbucks lately :) Thought we’d do another round of financial overheards today since y’all liked the last one…
The 10 Crack Commandments (of Finance)
Yo yo yo! Ready to rap about that money today? Our friend Giovina reminded me of this song when we accidentally left it out of…
Would You Go To Jail For a Week to Pay Off Your Debts?
According to a survey of 1,911 millennials asked by Acorns, almost 10% of them would! And for only $10,000 of debt clearing too – that’s pretty…