When was the last time you checked your credit card statement? If you haven’t done it lately let this be the nudge you needed to…
Browsing Category Cockamamy Indeed
I Am Not a Fan of “The Secret”
I think you’re going to love me or hate me after this one, but I just can’t help it :) “The Secret” is driving me…
Time For a Financial Intervention!
I swear, just when you think you’ve heard it all… Remember that chick I was telling you about 2 weeks ago who filed for bankruptcy…
That was the title of an email I just got from a reader. (I know, I kind of cheated using that as my title to…
What NOT to do after filing for Bankruptcy
If you have just filed for bankruptcy (twice), and your house is in foreclosure, do NOT do this: 1) Celebrate by going out and spending…
Selling Your Virginity for Money
There are chicks actually doing this – can you believe it? Selling your virginity for money?! Oh man, talk about entrepreneurs ;) But let me…
Results of the $100 Scratch Off Lottery Project!
For anyone who missed it, on Friday I decided to embark on a $100 Scratch Off Lottery Project. At first it was purely for entertainment,…
First Premier Bank: Shove your 79.9% APR Credit Card.
I know this economy ain’t the greatest, but pushing 79.9% interest rates? Come on now, that’s just f*cked up. Would YOU sign up to such…
All financial books from the past 10 years should be burned.
That’s what the owner of this used book store told me this weekend. What the hell? What did finance ever do to you? I guess…
Credit Card Roulette – To Play or Not to Play?
Well, I survived New Orleans! And I must say, Las Vegas has nothing on them. Never have I seen so much beauty and filth all…