What up what up y’allz! Back from that crazy place they call SXSW, and ready to get my blogging back on. Feels like I’ve been…
Browsing Category Career
Update on Jackal Ex-Employer
We have hired an attorney! Time to put up a fight, baby!!! It’s now been 2 1/2 months since we got laid off and those…
Side Hustle Fail: Working a Phonathon
(Guest Post by Mrs. BudgetsAreSexy) My name is Mrs. Budgetsaresexy, and I used to hustle as a Phonathon Associate. A few caveats on this side…
It’s official: My ex-employer is bananas.
I don’t even know whether to laugh, or to cry, at this point. I think “shocked” is the perfect way to describe these recent events…
To File, or Not to File, For Unemployment?
Man, what a last 48 hours…. there is SO MUCH I want to say right now, but let me first start off by giving you…
I Got Fired.
There – I said it out loud. I got fired. And just like that I’m a full-time blogger :) What do you say when that…
Are your finances any business of your employer?
What if your boss pulled your credit? I was talking with a friend the other day on this, and he was pretty adamant that it’s…
Side Hustle Series: I’m a Babysitter
(Enjoy today’s guest article!)) I’m Me from Me in Millions, and I’m hustling as a babysitter on the side. I love to side hustle. Even…
Yelp Makes You Look Good.
You know the times when your boss makes you do something you REALLY don’t want to do? But you do it anyways because a) he’s…
Do You Use Your College Degree?
I was talking to a friend the other day, and he said something about college not meaning anything cuz he never got into the field…