Here are a bunch of AWESOME ways to quit your job… … If you’ve got another one lined up … Or a side hustle that’s…
Browsing Category Career
One-on-One with “Hip Hop’s Financial Advisor”
Hello friends! Got a treat for y’all today – an interview with one of my cool wealth manager friends, Rob Wilson. AKA “Hip-Hop’s financial advisor”…
“God will take care of me”
[This is an awesome look into the financial life of a pastor friend of mine, Jon, who also blogs over at with his wife,…
My One-a-Day Habits (And Why They’re Important)
There’s a lot of stuff I’m horrible at with life and money, but thankfully there are pockets of awesomeness here and there which help keep…
All The Money I’ve Earned (and Spent) In My Lifetime
[Guest author today, Jacob Wade, from] At 27 years old, I have now hit the 11-year mark in my working career. I have had…
Thoughts on Self-Employment After 3 Years
Whelp. It’s now been 3 years since that fateful day of being let go and jumping into blogging full-time (anyone still reading from 2010?), and…
The Jobs That Get You The Biggest Tips
[If you guessed sex, booze, and gambling, you’d be right ;)] Saw this video on CNN about Apple stock and home ownership predictions for 2014…
5 Things I Learned Doing Financial Planning
[Article today by Ben Luthi of The Wealth Gospel] During my last year and a half as a college student, I did an internship with…
You Better Work, B*tch.
I don’t know what’s going on in the music world right now, but I’m LOVING the lessons coming out of pop culture! First we had…
Road Trip Recap & Other Conference/Business Tips!
Well, we survived our 1,600 mile road trip! I never want to get into a car again, but we survived ;) And we even did…