It’s time to go back in the financial time-machine again! This time to 1890 where this magnificent pamphlet was created to help you get more…
Posts Published by J. Money
Model Ts and Immoral Debts
This is going to sound silly, but I spent the better half of two hours yesterday pouring over Ford Model T’s and debating whether it…
New Book (and Giveaway): “Work Optional” by Tanja Hester of
What up what up! Another new $$$ book just hit the shelves today! This one’s called “Work Optional: Retire Early the Non-Penny-Pinching Way” and comes…
Hack #1308: Put yourself in situations where you can’t even spend if you wanted to!
Had to laugh at this recent comment on our Stamp Hustling post: “It’s easier to hit a high savings rate when you’re underwater for 90-day…
My new favorite charity right now –> Breadcoin
Mornin’, y’all! You might have seen this already if you follow me on Twitter or my Newsletter, but I had to share it here too…
Which “tendency” are you?
Here’s a fun little quiz to help you get over Hump Day ;) Maybe you’ll learn something about yourself? Hi J$, I’ve been listening to…
New Book Out (and Giveaway): “Financial Freedom” by Grant Sabatier of
Hey guys! Gotta new book for your edification! It’s called “Financial Freedom: A Proven Path to All the Money You Will Ever Need,” and I…
Net Worth Update: $848,665.47 [Surprise Increase of $57,000?!]
Okay, I don’t know what happened in Jan to change the tides (I only look at my $$$ once a month), but that was a…
My Favorite Finds This Month 💎💎💎
Well that was a fast month!! 31 days into the New Year already! How are those Resolutions coming along?? ;) Still writing my daily blog…
“What are your thoughts on taking a pay cut to land a more dependable job?”
Hey guys! Got our first reader question of the year! Check it out, and then hit her back with some feedback from that beautiful mind…